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Hello crew!

Although some of you may have only just played the latest update, I've been hard at work on the next one for almost a fortnight! Since I've just rendered my 100th image, it's time to share it with you as a teaser. 

Consider this a subtle clue which of the Cadets is next up for an in-depth conversation 😂 I actually hope to get both Sam and Anna's scene in the next update... but we'll have to see how it goes.

PS: I've got another poll for you soon, plus the winner of the last one... so watch this space!




Ha, leaving cole till last I see!


I'm wondering if their will be any repeat or linked content between each cadet? Maybe not repeat but a conservation topic that can be found with each cadet but their answers my show a different perspective on it (example like the town's history) or will each cadet have completely orginal talking points?


Thought I’d answered this, so sorry for the delay! No - they are all planned as discrete conversations so you can pick and choose which to engage with [lol - and save me some complexity XD].