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The other dream sequence in v2.4.3 sees us enter the mind of Chad [well, what little mind there is πŸ˜‚]

You'll have a couple of the pics in this sequence before [in the Patron-only Chad's Story Minicomic]. I'm going to significantly expand on the tale of how Chad was recruited into SpaceCorps - with a choice between m/m and bi versions of the tale, and an extended sex scene with MC πŸ˜‹



Lars Vidar

My love! My Chad! <3


the minicomic was one funniest and sexiest things ever, so I definitely want to see more of that story! Also, Chad has big, plump balls...


Woo-hoo! Love me those hanging Chads!


Yay more chad he is the most lovable dork there is in spacecoprs xD