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"The Return"
Thank you to the BFF Tier for voting this series in for June and being patient while I have been sick with Covid! The rest of Season 1 will be getting uploaded this week. I currently can only record for about 2 hours before my voice completely becomes a grumbling mess. So, I have to split up the recordings of these last 4 episodes.


Once Upon A Time S1 E19 Timer Patreon



Hey, it’s good to see you’re feeling a bit better to record. Once upon a time, niiiiice


thank you :) and i'm slowly getting there. My sinus and voice are still lack luster sadly lol

Neemias Ferreira

I forgot that the show baited us into thinking August was Bae lolll.


and i fell so hard for it! the leg troubles really made me believeeeeee!!!