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Miraculous S5 E5 Timer Patreon


Tatiana Ishwar

Ah poor Gabe’s suit covered in spaghetti


this episode isnt one of my favorites but it does get our heroes in the right direction if not at the correct answer as to how monarch is transfering their powers... but my thing with nino is he's trying to help but doesn't know the whole story like alya does with the ladybug situation and if he did he may make better calls or not who knows.... but with lila she is just plain evil and i do not see a redemption arc for her at all.. chloe is a possibility if done right but at this moment in time she's still to into herself... The point i wanted to make was that if the group of four knew everyones secrets they could plan better....

Elijah Mishmash

Man Zamber, we were RIGHT THERE with you freaking out about how weird Gabriel acted in this episode. The main entertainment was Gabriel planning against The Resistance here for me, otherwise it’s just a meh episode. Then again, always nice to slow down


I don't get why Kagami's mom is helping Gabriel! Someone explain! Unless it's spoilery!