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SIDE NOTE: I am no longer watching the episodes on Disney+, since at this time, they are not available on the streaming platform. The timer/sync might be off if you use Disney+ in the future!

And with this episode... We are caught up with the US Disney Channel release of Miraculous Ladybug!!! It's so exciting to finally be in lock step with the release in the US. As far as I know, Disney Channel US will be releasing a new episode every Saturday for the while, so we should be able to continue watching Miraculous each week until July 2023. I will put a hold on any plans of replacing Miraculous until that time comes. :D


Miraculous S5 E10 11 Timer Patreon


Neemias Ferreira

surprised you didn't acknowledged the fact Plagg said "You know that we are one" to TIkki...


The stress I felt during these episodes 😂

Tatiana Ishwar

These episodes were amazing


I believe they already discussed this in a different episode. Creation and Destruction are both needed. Yin and Yang/Balance.


Oh man SO happy I joined BFF, I now get EVERYTHINGGGGG

Abdalrhman Al-Mutairi

اومايقاد شكلي انا العربي الوحيد هني🦦


Whoah! That was wild!!!!!! When Gabriel was dancing like that, I was dying with laughter!! HE FRICKIN' NARUTO RAN!! WTF!????? Also Plagg cataclysming the ring was cool looking! I liked this episode a lot! Zoe being Kitty Noir is life! Her standing up to Chloe in the cafeteria was amazing! And it's wild Gabriel had both the Miraculous of Destruction and of Creation. He was so close to succeeding. Crazy 2 parter. I have to watch on Youtube now. I don't think any streaming platform has all the episodes to season 5.