Binge at The Lion's Share (Patreon)
Having filled out half of the interior of the Bug Burga with his blubbery body, it was impossible to remove Nick Wilde by any conventional means. A week of sleeping and digesting his feast slimmed him down to a more manageable size, allowing him to squeeze through the doors with animals pulling and pushing him out. Once back at Judy’s apartment, the wood floor ominously groaned at his every step. The hallway walls looked as if they were closing in, squishing lard padded hips and belly; all the while Nick moaned to high heaven, still unbelievably overglutted from his feast. It wasn’t until his gelatinous mass had completely flooded the living room that he rested once more under the comfort of his own roof.
The days that followed for Judy were inconvenient…yet sensual. Getting between her room and the front door forced her to navigate through an orange forest of fox blubber. Her paws were practically absorbed by his fur as she tried pushing it away. His waist would lift her off the floor when he breathed, and his hip was like a mound of dough that smothered her against the wall. She blushed at how soft he felt all over, giving his flab a knead and wobble whenever she walked by him. Nick hardly noticed in his deep sleep; her paws feeling like an ant crawling on an elephant’s back.
After another week, Nick was once again back on his own two paws. All the living room furniture had been crushed underneath his fat, and his entire wardrobe was now far too small. Judy shopped around, purchasing furniture and clothing better able to handle Nick’s new elephantine size. Gorging himself took a break as he helped pitch in, meaning less visits to Doe’s Donuts, and not eating to the brink of fullness each day. More importantly, with his appetite increasing with every huge binge, he agreed the apartment was getting too small.
Back at the Z.P.D., Nick continued his deal with Wolford, bringing him three boxes of donuts a day, along with his usual that he’d bring for Clawhauser. Now and again he’d buy a box to himself, but mostly stuck to buying from vending machines and bringing snacks from home. His duties were a mix of patrolling with Judy and manning the front desk on Clawhauser’s days off or while he was at lunch; today was one such day.
The cheetah took a bit longer than usual to return, but judging by how fat he now was, Nick wasn’t too surprised. He enjoyed his time at the desk, same as always, snacking and wobbling his heft to the chagrin of arrestees. Taking up most of Clawhauser’s new extra wide heavy duty office chair, the space between the counter and his body was only a few inches apart at the farthest distance. The fox grinned at the pleasant change, ever impressed at how much fatter he became as time went by.
His belly would pour onto the counter whenever he used his computer, answered a call, or needed to reach his backpack of snacks. His dress pants were as wide as a tent wrapped around the lower half of his gut, while his shirt constantly rode up toward his chest, having to pull it down each time. His cheeks were the size of kickballs, round, puffy, and comfortably beside a wide double chin, all nestled on a tire-like chunk of neck fat. His tail and prodigious rump peeked out over the belt that held his pants up. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his enveloped elbows, barely containing his lard coated arms that put the girth and burliness of chief Bogo’s to shame. The fox’s immense corpulence brought him untold joy, leaving him salivating after playing with his fat longer than he should while on the clock.
Currently on his phone, Nick scrolled through a list of different restaurants, one of which he and Judy would visit tomorrow for the weekend. Setting his weight gain to the side, it had to be someplace not too expensive, but enough to satiate him without paying an arm and a leg. During these money saving days, he envied Clawhauser a little, not requiring nearly as much food as him to become full. Even Wolford, who just entered the building and walked toward the locker room, now sporting a chunky frame, gained a full stomach off of what Nick would consider a snack. The fox grinned, pleased at how his gluttonous influence rubbed off on some of his coworkers. But as much as he’d love to join them, gorging as much as he liked, he had to pitch in with Judy in order to buy a house.
Just as the fox found a possible place to eat, a boisterous blend of groaning and glorping came from the front of the building. Nick looked up from his phone, eyes bulging at the unsightly arrival of his friend, Benjamin Clawhauser. The cheetah was nearly twice his size as when he left, wide like a tractor with his uniform torn to shreds. He walked with his arms outspread, belly dragging along the floor as he lumbered his way over to Nick.
“*Oooog*, *oooorp*, I’m back.”
Nick’s face flushed a bright red, staring at Clawhauser’s gelatinous gut squelching against the reception counter. The cheetah appeared to be in an inebriated state of bliss, no doubt brought on by his massive gorge. It was surreal seeing a fat sloshing beast grinning with pride and pleasure after a feast, like he were looking in a mirror at a less fat version of himself.
“Sorry I, *hic-hilp*, took so long, Nick,” said the cheetah. “But O...M…Goodness, it was hard for me to, *buurap*, leave.”
Nick grinned back, wobbling his gut with a paw. “Oh, I know the feeling. But I mean…look at you. Wow, you must have really done a number on that place.”
“*Hic-hilp*, actually, it’s the other way around. The portion sizes for one customer could probably feed the whole Z.P.D. Even after, *orp*, I tried eating more after my lunch break was over, there was so much glutting and gorging to be had after, *hic-hilp*, I couldn’t possibly eat everything in time.” The cheetah lifted as much of his stomach as he could onto the counter; fat pooling over the other side. “I’ve gotten so huge, *hic-hilp*, and I didn’t even eat half of what I paid for. Oh, it was amazing, Nick. *Hic*.”
The fox couldn’t resist staring at Clawhauser’s wobbling gut. Hearing the plethora of indigested gorge churning around caused Nick’s mouth to water. “W-well, don’t keep me in suspense. What’s the name of this place, and how do I get there?”
“Oh, right, sorry.” The cheetah removed his stomach from the counter. “The place is called The Lion’s Share. It’s in, *hic-hilp*, Sahara Square. A friend of mine who noticed all the weight I’ve been packing on lately told me about it, said it was right up my alley. So I went down there today to check it out, and I think, *hic-hilp*, the results speak for themselves. I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you, but you just got to go there sometime. It’ll make what you did at the Bug Burga look like an appetizer.”
Nick licked his chops, “mmm, this place sounds exciting. I haven’t had a good gorging in weeks.”
“Oh my gosh, we should totally go tomorrow. You’re gunna love it.”
“Tomorrow, you sure? You don’t want to…I don’t know…wait for everything you ate today to go down?”
“*Hilp*, I would, but I’m just so hooked. I got to see the rest of what I missed out on today. Please, Nick. This place was made for animals like us. You should see all the other fat customers that go there. It’s like a gluttony convention.”
Nick barely managed to scratch the back of his head with his chunky arms. He wryly smiled, looking into the cheetah’s beady eyes. He knew better than to thrust himself into the arms of another fattening feast so soon. Seeing Clawhauser groan and waddle through the front entrance, however, filled him with a sense of envy. Despite still being much fatter than his friend, the urge to grow even fatter was far too tempting for his carnal urges to pass up.
“I’m…not sure Judy will like it,” said Nick, “but…alright. I’d really love to see this place now.”
“Oh, Judy’s a sweetheart, *hic-hilp*, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. I’ll pick you up around lunch. Oh, and bring your card. That place is…pretty expensive.”
It was the one thing he didn’t want to hear. Clawhauser trudged his way over to the locker room for a change of clothes, his fellow officers staring at him as he walked by. Nick’s stomach rumbled with anticipation, hungering for the plethora of food capable of fattening up the cheetah so immensely. If Clawhauser managed to get so fat off of not even half of his meal, the fox smacked his belly at the thought of what the full three courses might do to him.
* * * * *
Sahara Square’s heat caressed Nick’s exposed patches of fur like a pair of tiger paws, massaging his plump cheeks, arms, and the exposed part of his belly between his shirt and shorts. It was a relaxing drive in Clawhauser’s hefty jeep, capable of even comfortably seating Nick with the seat leaned back. Both animals wore light clothing due to the climate, both floral pattern shirts and tanned shorts, all large and loose enough to withstand at least some of their gorging.
Following the Zootopia monorail through the tall canyons, the Palm Hotel and casino could be seen standing tall as they entered the oasis. Driving along the oasis edge, they turned toward an expansive parking lot with a massive building in the center. It appeared more warehouse than restaurant, complete with food trucks driving to and from the back of the building. At first glance, Nick would have never thought animals actually came here to eat. But upon driving closer, he could plainly see all the large customers flocking to the building, and those apparently so engorged they huffed and puffed just to return to their vehicles.
After circling around the parking lot a few times, they parked at the closest spot they could find. Nick’s heartbeat picked up in pace hearing the sounds of groaning beasts, sloshing stomachs, and hiccups. As they walked toward the building, he couldn’t resist staring at those customers who were leaving from the corner of his eye. They were mostly predators of various hefty sizes, some required to arch their backs just to lift their bellies, and some with bellies reaching the floor. Whether they were a tall grizzly or a short canine, everyone was undeniably fat. Clawhauser certainly didn’t exaggerate when he said the restaurant was made for animals like them, gluttons. Witnessing the truth, it added to his mouth watering excitement.
The front entrance to The Lion’s Share was an intimidating sight. Like a large portcullis to a castle, the doors were like that of a castle’s front gate, stretching two stories tall and wide enough to fit through multiple vehicles. The doors were cracked open wide enough to fit the line of beasts waiting to enter and those barely leaving. Walking inside, the distance between floor and ceiling was three stories apart. Banners hung throughout the interior depicting images of food, lions, and the golden grassy plains of the savannah. The decadent scent of food permeated the air, the fox practically able to taste the rich-creamy sauces in his mouth.
Reaching the front of the line, a thin female lion greeted them from behind a desk, with another standing patiently beside her.
“Welcome to The Lion’s Den,” said the lioness, “how many?”
“Two,” said Clawhauser, “this is my friend’s first time here.”
The lioness smiled at the fox, “we’re happy to have you. The entry fee?”
Nick handed over his card. “What is the entry fee anyway? This is one of the most impressive restaurants I’ve ever been to.”
The lioness tapped a sign in front of the desk. Nick’s fur stood on end at the shocking price; his eyes feeling ready to pop out of their sockets. “T-that’s the price? That’s almost half our Z.P.D. paychecks.”
“Trust me Nick,” Clawhauser nudged him with an elbow. “It’s worth it.”
The lioness handed their cards back. “If you could please, follow your server to your seats, and have a great meal.”
Walking through the dining area, the round tables were spaced apart several feet, giving someone as large as Nick plenty of space to pass through without brushing into other customers with his waist and hips. There were no menus to speak of, instead a pride of lionesses entered and exited the multiple double twin doors of the kitchens, wheeling out large silver platters of steamy food. Shocking enough, some customers were also in the fur, having either ruined their clothes due to their increase in weight or having removed them midway in their meal. Each customer sat on their own personal sofas, sitting forward to eat or reclining to let their swollen stomachs settle. Some servers even helped to feed the fatter customers who had grown too large to reach for food themselves. Gulping, belching, groaning, and sloshing filled the air, causing Nick to quiver with excitement. He felt like he was walking in a dream, mystified that such a place existed for fat animals such as himself.
The fox and cheetah sat across from each other, separated by a large round table covered in white linen. Clawhauser took up a quarter of his sofa, sitting in the center, while Nick took up half. Unlike his own couch at home, the sofa didn’t creak under his weight or sink inward due to his heavy rump. The cushions were quite cozy, and the back of the sofa was tall enough for him to comfortably lean back.
Nick’s belly peaked out further under his shirt. His arms rested across the top edge of the sofa as he relaxed. “This place just keeps getting better and better.”
Clawhauser likewise reclined in his seat. “Just wait until the food gets here. You’ll end up glutting so much, the staff will have to help pick you off the sofa like they did with me.”
“That’s if I don’t flatten this sofa first.”
After several minutes of waiting, the smell of hot food finally approached their table. Ten lionesses filled out every available inch of table space with massive platters and bowls, each of which were more than capable of feeding a family of four. The platters were filled with chunky slices of buttery salmon, cod, trout, lobster tails and crab legs, while the bowls contained a variety of shrimp stews, biscuits, rice, mashed potatoes, crawfish, fried tomato slices, fried shrimp and fried catfish. At the foot of their sofas they wheeled out a keg containing one of Zootopia’s more popular soft drinks, complete with a tube attached to the keg to drink from.
Nick sat up from his seat, his pupils hypnotically pulsating at the trove of food. Like a lion itself, his stomach growled at the generous portions on display. For the amount of money he and Clawhauser were paying, the portions more than made up for it.
The lionesses returned to the kitchens, leaving the fox to salivate over what he’d eat first. “Mmmff, it all looks so good. Clawhauser, buddy, what have you gotten us into?”
“And this is only the first course. I never had a chance to get to the second yesterday.”
“Goodness, we’re gunna get so fat,” the fox clutched his massive gut.
“I told ya. Dig in, big guy. This is what you’ve been working for.”
Licking the drool from his lips, Nick set his sights first on the salmon, trout, and cod. Straight from neighboring tundra town, the fish were larger than normal for their species, filling up Nick's stomach quicker than usual. Taking a single bite, his eyes fluttered with ecstasy at the oozing smoky flavors and tantalizing butter. The bowling ball sized glob that slithered down his throat warmed his empty stomach, stoking the fires of his gluttony as he crammed more into his maw.
Munching, gulping and murmuring with delight, the two friends joined the choir of the other customers. Nick both glutted and watched like a proud parent as Clawhauser tipped a platter of salmon into his mouth, then immediately shoved his face in a bowl of mashed potatoes. The cheetah’s chubby cheeks swelled with food like a chipmunk eating nuts, growing as he greedily ate more. He winced just to swallow it all down, landing in his gut with an audible squelch. Seeing as the fox was watching, he grinned back, wobbling his belly under his floral shirt with a free paw.
Nick smirked back, grabbing a bowl of shrimp stew in each paw. Grunting at their heaviness, he held them up to his lips with surprising dexterity. Tipping them toward his awaiting jowls, he huskily gulped down the warm broth, shrimps, and tender veggies. Barely a trickle of broth dripped down the corners of his lips, while his belly pulsated every time he swallowed, steadily growing larger. Upon finishing the final drops, he slammed the bowls onto the table, let loose a heavy belch, and smacked his gut with both paws.
Clawhauser wryly smiled, shaking his head. “Showoff.”
Gleefully stuffing their faces, the pair was halfway through their first course in half an hour. Though Nick had yet to grow completely ravenous with gluttony, he was impressed by how well sated the feast thus far had left him. All the fried foods, fish, and stews all sat in his stomach like he had eaten a full grown hog. Sitting forward, it poured onto the floor, squishing against his chunky haunches and slightly against the table. With the crab legs, lobster tails, and crawfish left to go, he was curious whether the second or final course would be able to push him to the brink of his gluttonous ability.
Finishing the remainder of their table, Nick was overjoyed to see the lionesses bring out a second helping of all the same dishes. Stuffing their faces, the fox and cheetah’s clothing began to be tested. Their looseness gradually became more well fitting as their waistlines and chests expanded. Their meaty thighs filled in the bottom holes of their shorts, riding it up past their enveloped knees. The top buttons of their shirts stretched around their rounding chests, while the bottom of their shirts slid up their blubbery bodies, revealing their lard padded love handles.
Finishing their food and drinking the remaining contents of their kegs, the pair reclined back in their seats with contented sighs. The heavy meal caused Nick to grow upward as well as outward, stretching his hips closer to the sofa edges, and the chunky portion of his upper back to peek above the sofa’s top. He slammed a paw onto his swollen gut, producing a sickening glorp. Squishing the center of his belly with his digits, its bouncing motions wobbled the rest of his body.
“*Bwooorp*, *huff*, lazing on a sofa while stuffing your face with tons of food, *urp*, what could be better,” said the fox. “I ought to do this more often once Judy and I buy a new couch.”
“With how much you eat, *hoorp*, you’ll probably never want to leave it.”
“I don’t think you’re wrong. Remind me to thank your friend for finding such an amazing place.”
Clawhauser dug his paws into his shorts, lifting out the rest of his gut, letting it freely hang an inch off the floor. “*Ooff*, I’ll let him know. Maybe next time we can invite, *orp*, Wolford.”
“I think this place might be a little, *urp*, advanced for him. I still got to introduce him to Doe. She’d love having another predator to fatten up.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I love that deer, *bworp*.” The cheetah kneaded his full belly. “Who’d a thought such a sweet little thing would be such a big influence on our waistlines? You know the first day you introduced me to her I could hardly keep my balance? My stomach was so huge that it pulled me everywhere it swung. Hehe, I could only imagine how Wolford would handle her.”
“*Buuraap*, it’s all baby steps. Give him a month or two of excess eating, and he’ll be as big as us in no time.”
As they waited for the second course to arrive, relaxed and massaging their full stomachs, a few lioness servers returned with brand new kegs and only two platters. They requested for the two to remain relaxed, opting to place the platters atop of their wide bellies. Lifting the lids, they revealed a chunky log of toasted garlic bread coated with cheese. The fox was taken aback by the log’s size, stretching as thick as his own meaty forearms.
With a single paw he grabbed at the bread, dropping a few into his gaping maw and swallowing them whole. He finished the platter in seconds, smacking his lips as he savored the lingering taste of butter and garlic before taking a generous swig of his keg. Seconds after finishing, a lioness removed the empty platter from his gut, putting down a second in its place, revealing it to be a mound of biscuits. He grabbed as much as he could with both paws this time, cramming the mound into his mouth till the platter was empty and his cheeks were full. Leaning his head back, he swallowed with a crooked smile. A massive bulge protruded from his throat, sliding down past his neck fat and down his chest, entering his stomach with a blorp. Taking another drink of his keg, the platter was once more removed and replaced with a pile of mozzarella sticks, with the pile being as large as his thick arms.
The pattern of feeding continued, with Nick receiving new side dishes seconds after he finished the previous one. Coupled with taking huge quaffs of his keg, he packed his stomach as quickly as he was served. It burbled heartily, growing full to the point he could feel his gorge brushing against his stomach lining. The constant wolfing down of food caused him to grow increasingly enamored with the feast, relinquishing more of his control to the gluttonous will of his stomach.
Making slight adjustments in his seat, Nick murmured with delight at how his added weight wobbled around. Tasting the gaining life once again, the covetous yearning for more blubber quickly intoxicated him. The simple pleasures of feeling more of his gropable waist jiggle when he moved his thighs, or his emerging fat tearing through the confines of his shirt and shorts, invigorated him like a drug. From his chunky cheeks, down to his enveloping ankles, he reveled in piling on more lard. With how accommodating this restaurant was toward their fat clientele, he hoped to make the most of this state of bliss.
Horking down a platter of sliders, the fox groaned as thirty of the miniature burgers entered his stomach all at once. The lionesses stopped serving him, only leaving a new keg before returning to the kitchens. Grunting, he struggled to sit himself upright, feeling the mass of indigested gorge and drink churning within his stomach like a washing machine. He leaned to his sides, slipping out portions of his belly from out of his ripping shorts; the button and zipper long having broken off. Heaving a puff of air, he leaned over his titanic gut, haunches digging into it while his face rested atop of his chest.
“*Hilp*, *uff*, I’m so stuffed,” said Nick, arms stretched across his belly. “They really feed you well here, *ooorp*. I wondered if they’d ever stop serving me appetizers. Not that I’m complaining, hehe, *hic*.”
Sloppily grinning, Nick was pleased to see Clawhauser grown to the size he was when he entered the Z.P.D. yesterday. Legs completely sprawled out, his spotted thighs were buried under his oozing gut, spilling onto the floor as well. Just as with Nick, the cheetah’s floral shirt completely rode up to his chest; the buttons now stretched to the brink of snapping off.
“*Bwooorp*, I know. I never got to the second course yesterday, *hic-hilp*, because I had to get back. But at least, *hic-hilp*, I made the most of everything before that.” He smacked the center of his gut with a paw. “Now to really test the limits, *hic-hilp*, of this stomach, hehe.”
Just then, Nick could see the lionesses wheeling out their food trolleys. Once more filling out the table, they removed the lids, causing an explosion of steam and decadent auromas to rise. Huge slabs of plant based meats were served with a variety of recipes, such as steaks, ribs, sandwiches, deep fried chunks, burgers, pastas, and wings, all with different sauces and spices. His mouth became a waterfall of drool, indecisive of what he should shovel down his gullet first.
Giving his belly a shake, the fox leaned as forward as he could to reach the table. Now entranced by his own gluttony, he filled his mouth with the largest chunks of plant meat first, to the point he could no longer close it. Baring his jowls down, the plant meat practically fell apart in his mouth, melting into a shredded sheet of sauce and chewy texture that seamlessly crawled down his throat. He audibly murmured, washing down any strands of food that lingered between his teeth before eating more.
Devouring drum sticks, meat links, large bowls of spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, and macaroni salad, Nick’s stomach spilled over and under the table. Hunching over its enormous girth, it grew increasingly more difficult to reach for food farther away from him. The lionesses thankfully helped, taking away the empty dishes and replacing them with new ones, while also bringing them closer. Greedily stuffing his muzzle into bowls or tilting platters of food toward his maw, his only pause was when he gulped a hefty portion down. He was ecstatic to once more be in his gluttonous element, glutting and growing as his sofa became increasingly smaller.
Shoving an entire fire hydrant sized slab of plant meat down his gullet with a paw, Nick looked to his friend across from him, who hadn’t finished half as many dishes as he did. “*Hic-hilp*, how you holding up, buddy?”
“*Ooorp*, I’m fine, *guh*. *Hic-hilp*, *ooogh*, just…so full…*hilp*. Hard to…reach…for food…*bwoorp*, *huff*.”
Nick grinned at the cheetah’s enormity. His tiny footpaws became squished under the flab of his fat legs. His face appeared to sink into his multiple neck rolls, cheeks squishing partially against his eyes. The buttons around his shirt had finally popped off, freeing his thick chest squishing against his neck fat and arms. Wobbling like a vat vanilla pudding, his belly glorped with each struggle to reach for more food. He sluggishly stuffed his cheeks, grunting and wincing just to swallow the next mouthful.
“Hang in there, bud,” said Nick, “at least keep eating until you can’t reach for the food any longer.”
“Excuse me, sir.”
Nick craned his neck to his side, finding a lioness standing beside him.
“Would you gentlemammals care for a funnel treatment today?”
Nick raised an eyebrow with intrigue. “Funnel…treatment?”
The lioness produced a sizable cone, with the tip of it having an opening the size of a drinking glass. “It’s a popular option among our biggest food enthusiasts. Simply relax in your seats, put it in your mouth, and let us serve you the rest of your meal.”
The fox sloppily smiled from ear to ear. “Fantastic, *hic-hilp*, we’d be delighted. Right, Clawhauser?”
Clawhauser grimaced; his stomach bubbling up a storm. “Ugh, *hic-hilp*, *oog*...sure…I think.”
Nick reclined back on his sofa, bursting the final buttons on his shirt and spilling his blubber chest out in front of him. “*Hic-hilp*, gosh I love this place.”
With his lower back now reaching the top of the sofa, and his hips squishing against the edges, the fox slid himself slightly down to help out the servers. He opened his mouth, allowing a lioness to seat the funnel comfortably in his mouth. Using a relay system, a lioness handed food to one standing atop of a step ladder, who poured the contents into the funnel and handed it off to another who placed the empty dish on a trolley. Like clockwork, a constant stream of plant meat, pastas, and drink flooded into Nick’s gullet. No longer having to reach for food himself, he basked in being able to glut faster with very little effort on his own part.
Eating as quickly as he was served, Nick’s blubbery body surged with added lard. His tight fitting shorts were finally torn to shreds by his bulging thighs. His hips poured over the armrest edges, while the gap between his waistline and rotund arms grew closer and closer. His expansive rear elevated him further off the sofa, spilling down the sofa’s edge and squeezing against his thighs. His elbows became completely enveloped by the girth of his arms, making it harder for him to hold himself up and not slide off the sofa completely. The heavy mouthfuls ballooned his cheeks into pillows of pudge, constantly fighting against the jiggling lard of his own neck rolls. His lush chest rested atop of his blorping blob of a belly, which grew large enough to flatten his and Judy’s patrol car.
After an hour, the funnel feeding stopped once half of the second course was done, leaving Nick practically sitting on the floor. He groaned at the arduous labor of trying to sit himself back on the couch, planting his footpaws firmly on the floor and using what little muscle strength he had. With a heavy breath, he managed to sit, panting and crookedly smiling at the results of his feeding. The sofa had become a proper seat to his wide rear, nearly lost under both voluptuous cheeks. The armrests disappeared under his hips, while his butt poured out over the sofa’s back. Giving it a hearty squeeze, he chuckled at malleability.
Arching his back, the true weight of Nick’s feast and fat hit him like a charging rhino. With his own two paws barely able to reach the front of his belly, he clutched at his love handles, blithely shaking his abundant lard. The sound of the maelstrom of food sloshing in his gut was like sweet music to his ears. Its jostling swayed the rest of his lard coated flesh, brushing his cheeks against his eyes and chest against his muzzle. Feeling fat plop and squish against fat, he couldn’t help but drool with ecstasy.
“Cheese and, *hic-hilp*, crackers. I’m such, *bwoooorp*, a mountain of lard, *hilp*. Everyone here, *huff*, wants to, *hnnf*, make you, *mmff*, so fat…and I…love it.”
The fox lifted what parts of his stomach that he could, moaning as it landed onto the floor with a thunderous squelch. Breaking free from his self admiration, he turned his attention back to his partner in crime. The cheetah laid completely sprawled out, belly concealing his entire upper body. He had managed to grow as large as Nick had been that morning, now taking up half of his own sofa.
“*Uuugh*, I don’t know…how you, *hic-hilp*, do it, Nick,” said the cheetah. “Had to stop, *uurgh*, halfway through. Told them, *hic-hilp*, *urf*, to give you…my food.”
Nick heartily patted his flab. “I appreciate it, buddy.”
At the sudden burble of his stomach, Clawhauser let loose a defeated moan. “Think I’ll, *hic-hilp*, *hnng*, sit…the rest of this out. You could have…the rest of…my food. Wake me, *urp*, when you’re…finished.”
With his last word, the cheetah’s limbs grew limb as he immediately fell into sleep. Nick gleefully squeezed at his ample blubber. “*Hic-hilp*, I’ll make the most of it. We’re gunna, *buraap*, pile on some serious lard today.”
The lionesses returned with the second half of the feast, resuming Nick’s funnel feeding. After a few minutes of relentless gorging, the sofa under him suddenly flattened under his weight. An odd beeping sound muffled underneath him, and for whatever reason, the lioness servers and customers surrounding him clapped their paws and hooves in approval.
Nick wryly smiled, bewildered by what was happening. “Ugh…what gives?”
“It’s one of our special promotions,” said a lioness. “Any of our largest guests who manage to break one of our reinforced seats, qualifies for a special offer at the end of their meal. Our staff has received the message and will give you the offer outside, when you’re finished here.”
“*Hic-hilp*. Interesting. Judging by how fat this place is making me, *hic-hilp*, I’m sure I’ll love this offer when I see it.”
Upon finishing the second course, the third and final course of food came immediately after. Nick sloppily grinned at the sight of cakes, pies, cookies, and other desserts. His keg of soft drink had now been replaced by kegs of ice cream. Donuts as big as dinner plates were stacked in a pyramid on each platter. Nick playfully smirked at his sleeping friend, knowing how much he’d enjoy this final course.
Starting with the cakes, Nick chose to devour them the standard way. The lionesses scaled a ladder just to reach his head, resting the cake on his neck fat and tilting it at an angle. With mouth wide open, he guided the cake down his gullet, barely able to touch it with his digits. He muffled with mirth, eyes rolling with pleasure at the decadent chocolaty taste and vanilla frosting filling out every space in his throat. Gulping down the multilayered concoction, he groaned with satisfaction as it further stretched his overglutted stomach.
The fox gorged on his own cakes and Clawhauser’s with great elation. His jubilant murmuring attracted the attention of the other customers, watching with awe on their own couches as the fox grew fatter than any beast they had ever seen. Wider and wider, his rear began encroaching on the tables and customers behind him, while his waist did the same. His belly soon pilled nearly halfway onto the table, forcing the servers to move it from his path. Once his arms grew too fat for him to reach his mouth, he relied solely on the servers to feed him, allowing him to grope and pat his lard with sloshing delight.
When the cakes were finished, the funnel had returned, but with a larger end. With a relay system and two ladders set up, one lioness held the funnel steady while the other poured donuts, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, and brownies, mixing it all with the ice cream from his keg. The thick shake of sweets continuously poured down his gullet, as if he were eating directly from an ice cream machine. As it rapidly filled his crowded stomach, he could feel its capacity beginning to reach its limits.
With double the meals to consume, the third course felt like it’d never end for the fox. Nick fully surrendered to his feeding, his throat remaining open to freely consume whatever his severs gave him. His world turned into a haze of deep pleasure, glutting himself into a stupor while the ocean of lard that was his body rippled all around him. He crookedly grinned under his bean bag sized cheeks, happy to be lost in this veritable heaven of overeating and growing fatter.
After swallowing up a river of blended sweets, the fox moaned with relief. Staring at the orange and white mountain that was his body, customers around him could hardly discern if he were a fox at all. The slightest hiccup caused his tsunami of indigested gorge to undulate his vast corpulence. He had become an amorphous-gelatinous mass of fur and fat; layers of padded lard stacked atop of each other like pancakes, while his own rolls formed rolls, each enveloping one another as he jiggled. Basking in his lardaceous hedonism, he allowed his wobbling blubber to move him about, occasionally squishing the back of his head with his back rolls or smothering his muzzle into his neck fat.
“*Hic-hilp*, what a feast,” said Nick with a husky tone. “So…much, *hic-hilp*, fat. *Ooooh*, I’m such, *hilp*, a huge…blob, *huff*.”
Letting loose a gaseous belch, he patted his expansive waistline that now propped up his massive arms. The euphoria of being enveloped by his own lard was second to the swirling torrent of gorge churning in different currents throughout his stomach. He could feel the mass of food kneading against his innards and the layers of lard underneath his fur that stretched as thick as a hay bale.
“*Ooorp*, *guh*. This place…*hilp*, is a glutton’s…paradise.”
“Excuse me, sir,” said a lioness, standing atop of a ladder leaning against Nick’s side. “If you’d please come with us outside, we have our offer ready for you.”
“Oh, right, *hic-hilp*. I can, *uff*, try to…move. But I’m…not sure, *hic-hilp*, how well, *hnng*, I can. Hey! Clawh-*ooouurp*, Clawhauser…time to…go.”
Being shaken awake by one of the staff, the cheetah was helped off the couch and onto his paws. His eyes shot wide open, mouth dropping at the sight of Nick’s enormity. “N-Nick? W-what happened? I mean, you actually managed to eat everything?”
“Everything, *hic-hilp*, your food, *erf*, and mine. There’s just, *oof*, one more…thing…outside. Just…need to, *hic-hilp*, get up…”
With exhaustive difficulty, Nick managed to use his sloshing momentum to push himself forward, barely planting his enveloped footpaws onto the floor. With a rear that could crush a bus and belly that could fill out their whole living room, the fox inched his way toward the front entrance. Serving staff cleared the way of tables and other customers, who clapped in congratulations of the fox’s gluttonous triumph. Nick wryly smiled, waving back at the crowd while grunting just to budge forward the tonnage of fat in front of him.
Passing through the monolithic doorway, he understood now why it was so large. Though a trio of bulldozers could drive through them side by side, Nick’s hips and waistline were only a couple feet from the edges. Wincing as he passed through them, he grinned feeling his hips squish against the doors as his body swayed. One day, he’d look forward to filling out the doorway completely with his blubber.
Finally reaching the parking lot, Nick collapsed himself onto his belly, submerging into it like diving into a vat of soft ice cream. Huffing and wheezing, he squinted his eyes at the tanker truck in front of him. A hose snaked its way from its, leading toward Nick and a lioness who held the other end.
“Here’s your special offer,” she said, “an entire tankard of our special tomato and plant meat bisque, creamy and at a throat warming temperature. If you accept and finish the entire tanker, you’ll receive back half the funds you paid for today’s meal.”
Clawhauser waddled into Nick’s view, leaning against the fox’s chest and catching his breath. “*Huff*, they expect you…to finish…all of that? And after, *oof*, how much…you already ate? Goodness. This place…just relentlessly…feeds you.”
Nick moaned as his belly rumbled at the thought of more gorging. “Maybe, *hic-hilp*, but that’s why…I love it so much.”
“Wait…Nick. You’re not honestly…going to go for it…are you? You look like you’re gunna blow.”
“*Hic-hilp*, don’t worry about my stomach. It can handle anything.”
Opening his mouth, the fox graciously accepted the other end of the hose; its belts fastened around his muzzle and the back of his head to prevent it from falling out. Clawhauser apprehensively waited across from him, leaning onto one of the parked cars for support. It pleased Nick to see how elephantine the cheetah managed to grow.
Nodding that he was ready, a lioness near the tanker turned the release valve. The flat tubing immediately filled with the soup, reaching up to his muzzle in seconds. He groaned at the sudden surge of soup that poured down his gullet, stretching his overgorged gut like a water balloon. Never having been fed so quickly, the rate of his growth and the pain of glutting beyond his limits startled him. But upon feeling his abundant lard wobble and thrash about, he grew more flustered with each passing second.
The crowds that waited to enter the restaurant gathered to witness the blob of a fox chug down the contents of a whole tanker, a rare occurrence at The Lion’s Share. Animals cheered him on, marveling at his capacity for gluttony. Clawhauser nervously gulped as Nick’s head became surrounded by his own neck rolls; his sloppily grinning teeth barely visible past the hose and his smothering cheeks. Curiously squishing at his own monstrous belly, he wondered if he too would reach the same level of wanton gluttony the fox has, or if he wanted to at all.
Several minutes of gulping the soup down, Nick woozily moaned through half shut eyes. His swelling gut lifted his footpaws off the ground, pooling all around him in a bed of glorping white fur. His footpaws and paws were swallowed up by his wrists and ankles. The rolls on his back were like orange hills sloping their way down to the chunky roll of fat enveloping the back of his head. His waist and arms waged a constant battle for supremacy, wobbling and brushing against one another, while his abundant rear and thighs did the same.
When the gauge on the tanker finally read empty, a lioness scaled Nick’s lard coated mass and removed the hose. The fox had traveled to an alternate plane of existence, filled with muffled sounds, dazed vision, an intense feeling of fullness, and untold pleasure. The roiling of his gorge collided with his inner stomach like waves upon a cliff, filling him with so much stimulation the very act of murmuring caused him to wince. Each hiccup violently caused his amorphous body to convulse in every direction, pulsating his blubbery form, which was now the size of a house.
Head partially sunken into his own neck fat, his smothered ears heard Clawhauser’s muffled voice calling out to him. Unable to rub his eyes, he squinted at the large blurry figure standing in his frontal view.
“Nick,” called the Cheetah, “Nick, you okay? Can you hear me?”
The fox simply moaned as a response. His catatonic state left him only capable of thinking about his own discomfort and pleasure.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I can’t believe you actually did it. The staff is refunding half your money, and rigging one of their trucks to help take you home.”
“*Hic-hulp*, full…”
“What was that?”
“Oooooh. So, *hic-hulp*, fuuull.” The fox moaned louder, as his own lard appeared to increase in size around him. “Such…gorging, *hic-hilp*, and…glutting. *Huff*, feels, *hnnng*, so…good. *Hic-hilp*, oooh, so…much, *hmmf*, lard. More, *hoooh*, want, *hic-hilp*, more!”
Nick’s stomach became an uproar of bubbling, vigorously pleasing the fox into moaning louder. As his body trembled, the thick rolls around Nick's head completely enveloped it till only his muzzle could be seen between his back fat and cheeks. With a final yelp of pleasure, the fox lost consciousness, overwhelmed by the euphoria his own sloshing fat had given him.
Business at The Lion’s Share resumed as before, with the crowds returning in line to get in, talking about the whale of a fox now passed out in the parking lot. The heavy duty flat bed truck circled from the back of the building and made its way toward the fox and cheetah. The lionesses returned to their duties inside and were replaced by burly male lions to handle the loading.
Clawhauser watched from his own car as they wrapped Nick’s blubbery visage with numerous leather straps just to hoist him onto the bed. Placing both paws on his vast belly, he timidly lifted it, feeling his indigested gorge still churning at his touch. It pleased him to feel all he had eaten slosh around; thinking about Nick, he could only imagine he experienced the same feeling, but times a thousand. The image of his entire body jiggling like a mound of gelatin, and his stomach sloshing like the roaring ocean, had both unsettled him, and sparked a deep pang of curiosity. With all the pleasure he had at his current gaining rate, how amazing would it be to finally reach Nick’s level.
That may not be anytime soon, however, as the fox had some latent talent for overeating. Each feast he would set the bar higher, growing far larger than anyone thought possible. When next he returned to The Lion’s Share, it’d take two tankers to pass him out. He’d completely envelop the entire doorway, and a quarter of the restaurant would have to remain vacant just for him. The fox’s rampant gluttony, if left unchecked, could fill an entire district with his fattening corpulence. But for the time being, it’d be best to suggest to Judy that they buy themselves a bigger house.