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We're continuing work on the next update, so here's some more of Ruby.

At the end of Part 1, you have accepted the devil's (Ruby's) deal to give up your quest to stop the Grand Plan. In return, she has promised to allow you to reconnect with the Goddess of Light and to stop the Dominas from locating or chasing after you two anymore. You are giving up your world, but is it really your world anymore? You have lived away from it for so long, travelled through numerous dimensions and lived a life so much stranger than the one you were living before. Would it even feel like home to return to earth again?

Part 2 will take you to yet another new dimension - Llavanya's. Hora, at her last moments, sent Llavanya back to her own home, her own Eden; back in time, before the Dominas united against her and burned her world to the ground. The Goddess is waiting for you there, in paradise. Will she be willing to abandon the quest too though? After what happened to Hora?



Noah Warner

HOT 🔥🔥🔥