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Repeatable Minigames Poll

  • 1. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, and go all out 511
  • 2. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, but tone it down a bit 147
  • 3. Within events as a one-off 51
  • 4. The less the better 38
  • 5. As a separate game, like the Dress-up Maid Lyriel thingie 83
  • 2025-01-04
  • 830 votes
{'title': 'Repeatable Minigames Poll', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, and go all out', 'votes': 511}, {'text': '2. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, but tone it down a bit', 'votes': 147}, {'text': '3. Within events as a one-off', 'votes': 51}, {'text': '4. The less the better', 'votes': 38}, {'text': '5. As a separate game, like the Dress-up Maid Lyriel thingie', 'votes': 83}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 4, 16, 15, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 830}


As promised in the 2024 Year in Review post, let's start this year with a gameplay poll. Actually, there's going to be at least three of them, but we shall start with just one.

Minigames. More specifically, repeatable minigames with some rewards. Expanding the alchemical recipe decoding minigame is the natural first choice. We can easily add more recipes of varying difficulties and effects. 

We already have three potions that could be tried by more girls, and then there could be potions that turn the ones who drink them to stone, potions that make them grow muscles, potions that turn them invisible, etc. You folks have probably played at least one Magic Shop-type game, so you get the general idea.

We can also add more combat scenes. We can do more training with Rae, Naomi and Yona. We can probably make some sort of a cooking minigame, possibly a card game, maybe revisit the dice game from that old Naomi event. Lots of possibilities.

Now, the poll question

Would you like us to dedicate some development time to expanding existing non-story-related minigames and adding more of them? Let's go through the options.

1. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, and go all out - we're going to add more minigames and more content to existing minigames and we'll try to fill them with small storylines and animations. That's a lot of work, so there will be some months when we just add some minigame action.

2. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, but tone it down a bit - we're still going to add more minigames and more content to existing minigames, but we'll try not to spend too much development time on it. An occasional animation here and there, a few kinky renders, minimal visuals for dialogues.

3. Within events as a one-off - keep them as they are right now. Single quest with a minigame and rewards. Once you're done - you're done. We will sometimes revisit existing mechanics, but it's not going to be a thing that you can just do whenever.

4. The less the better - we'll be way less likely to add minigames to any future side quests. And no repeatable minigames at all.

5. As a separate game, like the Dress-up Maid Lyriel thingie - one alternative option is to make those minigames into separate not-so-mini-but-still-small games. We could realistically dedicate a few days a month to a Magic Shop in the Rift.

Now vote! I made this poll multi-choice, so vote for all the options you like.

EDIT: BTW, forgot to ask you folks to leave comments with your rationales and suggestions!

EDIT 2: Repeatable minigames will be completely optional if added to the game.




Personally not a fan of mini games. I guess as long as it won't hinder progress or anything. Maybe include a skip option, or easy mode.


I *really* enjoyed the alchemy minigame as well as the mini games in general which is why I'd *love* to see more of them


I voted 1. but I think there is potential for 5. A standalone game could be something like trying to extract all the residual ether out of the things we find in the house, like the alchemy set or some others. Girls only want to do some things if their intimacy/lewd is high enough. Also options for 3+-way plays, with prequisites. Another thing you could add is some item that raises latent horniness and is a prequisite for some scenes. Like an inscence that we have to light to release the ether, but it also causes everyone to get intoxicated by the scent. So you agree to only light it once a week and you have to make a combo of other events to get something like Lyriel and Cait going down on you while being shrunk. I could see this as a side-quest game, just something you add to once you get a good idea for a scene, while you keep adding more story to the main game. The house starts at the state where all 6 girls are there and content. This means you have 2 games to maintain though, so it's up to you. If you decide to integrate in the main game, I would say make the initial scenes skippable, but the rest have to be played to get the goods. If I have to spend an hour startegizing how to double-team Naomi with Rae+strapon, the payoff would be soooo much better.

Jack Edwards

Anything that adds gameplay to the game is a good thing. But I definitely understand trepidation from some players. Maybe as long as there's a skip button so those players don't have to deal with it.


dungeon, ok, alchemy, absolutely, others, nah


Make the content and add a skip button. Maybe bonus renders for players who beat the minigames?


Oh, if we add repeatable minigames, they will be completely optional and any "storylines" will be self-contained within that minigame.


I don't really get the idea tbh. If we're going to make alchemy into a separate game, it won't have the full House in it. Even if there will be a metaprogression of sorts, it won't resemble AHITR much. Or maybe I misunderstood you?


Imma edit in a clarification, repeatable minigames will be completely optional if added to the game.


Absolutely. As I replied below, repeatable minigames will be completely optional if added to the game.


Yeah, I was thinking that the separate game includes the whole house, as it is currently, without any other events. I guess my naive thinking was that you would have less of a development burden that way, but I guess removing the events from the current game would be quite taxing. I guess it's option 1 after all

John Hall

I voted for #3. I'm not really a great fan of minigames and am afraid they'll lead to spending less time on developing the main game. The most annoying ones are those where you have to have quick reactions to complete them. If I wanted that sort of thing I'd be playing shoot-em-ups rather than RPGs. Fortunately it doesn't sound as though you have anything planned like that.

Lead Paintchips

I am a fan of the minigames, but I'm 100% behind this. Give people options to work around them if they're not a fan of them.

Aelanar Brightfield

I rather like the mini games and side content, and am not exactly in a rush to have the main story done


If it's content that's sexual I don't care if it's a mini game or main story stuff. I'm just trying to see some naked chicks lol


Noticed several comments and replies here about making the mini-game content skippable as if that was a consolation for those who don't want entire months of content consumed with mini-games. That's not really much of a consolation, as all that does is make that entire update one big skip for those who don't enjoy that stuff as much. I do see that so far the overwhelming response on this survey is to go all in even if that means that some months are dedicated entirely to mini-games. Personally, that's not my cup of tea. I'd rather have them be something that comes up occasionally but doesn't bog things down when there are so many story-lines I'd love to see progress. But if I'm out-voted then I understand. If an entire monthly update is going to be consumed with a mini-game, then please at least make it worth it with a significant lewd scene. Some of those have been really good, whereas some have been more of a tease. I know this is just me again going into my own personal preferences, and not everyone is going to agree, but to me a bj scene is just a tease if it doesn't lead to some actual sex, and if an entire update is just a big min-game that ends with just a bj, I'm going to feel like that was a bit of a letdown.


I like some mini games, I really would enjoy the heads up if the repeating of certain games does not contribute to the story or does not further it. This allows for the choice of grinding if desirable, or replaying a favorite part if the player likes. Mini games are NOT bad, just sometimes they begin to feel like filler. Variety does help with this. EDIT: New idea came to me here, if there are some ideas or directions with characters that your team is not sure about; mini games are a great place to test/tease them. What doesn't work or is unpopular can be taken out later and there'd be little loss because it was only part of a mini game in the first place.

Cu Chulainn

I really enjoyed the 'Choose your own adventure.' sections like the Sparring with Rae and Back Alley Brawl. I have nothing against minigames but the shrinking/growth stuff if not really my thing.

b dog

any idea when the next update will be ?


i voted for number 1 as i like the variation on characters lemmi get a foxy rey haha

Tommy Scalia

Please bring horny lyreil back, also how do you get here to start wearing the plug around house


I was vote 666. Haha


Working on it! Not totally sure where to place the Horny Lyriel Switch tho. I guess we could just plonk it into preferences


Hmmm what is with the repeatable dinner events? It didn't continued. At the moment Yona and Blair are left out or not? would vote for an upgrad in that event.


Yeah, the update/expansion of the group dining scenes is planned, but it's kinda low priority considering the amount of work it requires.