As promised in the 2024 Year in Review post, let's start this year with a gameplay poll. Actually, there's going to be at least three of them, but we shall start with just one.
Minigames. More specifically, repeatable minigames with some rewards. Expanding the alchemical recipe decoding minigame is the natural first choice. We can easily add more recipes of varying difficulties and effects.

We already have three potions that could be tried by more girls, and then there could be potions that turn the ones who drink them to stone, potions that make them grow muscles, potions that turn them invisible, etc. You folks have probably played at least one Magic Shop-type game, so you get the general idea.
We can also add more combat scenes. We can do more training with Rae, Naomi and Yona. We can probably make some sort of a cooking minigame, possibly a card game, maybe revisit the dice game from that old Naomi event. Lots of possibilities.
Now, the poll question
Would you like us to dedicate some development time to expanding existing non-story-related minigames and adding more of them? Let's go through the options.
1. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, and go all out - we're going to add more minigames and more content to existing minigames and we'll try to fill them with small storylines and animations. That's a lot of work, so there will be some months when we just add some minigame action.
2. Make alchemy repeatable, add more like it, but tone it down a bit - we're still going to add more minigames and more content to existing minigames, but we'll try not to spend too much development time on it. An occasional animation here and there, a few kinky renders, minimal visuals for dialogues.
3. Within events as a one-off - keep them as they are right now. Single quest with a minigame and rewards. Once you're done - you're done. We will sometimes revisit existing mechanics, but it's not going to be a thing that you can just do whenever.
4. The less the better - we'll be way less likely to add minigames to any future side quests. And no repeatable minigames at all.
5. As a separate game, like the Dress-up Maid Lyriel thingie - one alternative option is to make those minigames into separate not-so-mini-but-still-small games. We could realistically dedicate a few days a month to a Magic Shop in the Rift.
Now vote! I made this poll multi-choice, so vote for all the options you like.
EDIT: BTW, forgot to ask you folks to leave comments with your rationales and suggestions!
EDIT 2: Repeatable minigames will be completely optional if added to the game.