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Here's an interview with yours truly on lewdpixels.

Note that link leads to a NSFW website.


Silent Observer

So, non-English speaking Western European Country, eh? Well, your English (in the game) is far better than that of most Americans -- but reading in English, and authors who were writing for their own native speakers, for entertainment, will keep you in practice. Naughty Road is the only VN/game developer I support on Patreon (automatic charges on my checking account make me nervous for reasons unrelated to the content), though if there were more offerings of this caliber, that might not be true.

Naughty Road

Thank you, and yes, that is really true. Watching movies and series is all fine and well, and English is virtually everywhere throughout the pop culture offerings here in that sense, but to me there's no substitute to diving into some beautifully crafted prose if you want to get to know the language.


I think the fact that you design your characters so differently and allow them to have (what is considered) real and flawed bodies is probably one of the most sexy aspects of your game. It might be superficial but makes the experience so much more unique. Really awesome job you did there.