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All patrons have access to the majority of posts and supporter content. Here are a few more details:

  • Cogmind prerelease builds are announced here on Patreon and in the patron-only channel on Discord
  • See this Patreon help page for how to receive your patron role on Discord (and access to the dedicated channel). Note that the Discord server has an additional anti-spam feature which puts new accounts in #the-door channel, and as per the instructions there you'll need to check the #rules-faq for the method to gain full access. Once inside #cogmind is our main public channel (there are many other roguelikes, too!), and when you're ready we can also grant access to other hidden cogmind-related channels that contain varying levels of spoilers. Patrons also have access to the #cogmind-patron channel, where I talk about features and developments in advance, and we discuss prerelease builds.

If you have a tier above the entry-level one, follow the relevant link below for more information about how to redeem your other rewards:

(You do not need to look at tiers below your own--each has its own post to provide all the info relevant to that tier!)



I'm getting 404 on all but the Wizard link ^^


Yep, that's why I deleted that reminder post I made earlier today shortly after it went up. They used to work fine over previous months, but apparently there's a bug on Patreon right now which is forcing a slash at the end of the links (even when saved without one), even though *technically* having that slash there shouldn't make a difference (and didn't before). I've already reported it. If you want to access the linked post correctly, just remove the trailing slash :/


Yeah, working if slash is removed! Weird. All other links work fine except the last three


No idea... The Wizard link saves properly but the other three refuse to cooperate after several tests. Oh well! Hopefully they'll take care of this before it confuses too many more people, but thanks for bringing it up here :)