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I'm starting a new article series based on Cogmind's scoresheets, this first part more of a general overview. Some of the content has been posted here on Patreon before in more of a draft form, but now I've organized it all and also included sample images etc.

 I've embedded it in image form below, but you can also check out the text version here. The password for access is "somanystats"



Intresting. It will be neat to see what types of things players gravitate towards, and with these new stats maybe see finer details about certain maps and the decisions players make which will be reflected in their stats. Fight or Run? Switch to flight now or later? Major upgrade areas and so on.


Yeah it's *really* going to open up the strategy data we have, especially considering that Cogmind builds are pretty amorphous, and runs can go through some significantly different phases. Will be fun! Right now we're working on getting the online stats database together which will make all this info available to everyone. Still a ways to go, but things are looking good.