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It's here! Including ambient audio, which you may have already checked out in the earlier experimental builds, but now we also have two new endings, bringing the total to nine. There's also a bunch of other fixes and little QoL stuff since X2. As usual you can check out full changelog included with the game, or attached to this post.

Saves are not compatible with any previous build, not even 10 X2.

I was originally considering releasing this as X3 then do a prerelease in a few days, but after playtesting this build today I decided it's good enough to be the official prerelease. So this'll be the same build that releases next week, and runs played now will be included on the new leaderboards after a reset (although that reset won't come until the official release). The build might still be updated again if there are any issues, but it'll still be Beta 10.

Zyalin is currently working on some great cover art for the official release announcements, as you can see in this concept sketch :D

Zyalin Forever!

Get Beta 10

On Steam, Beta 10 is currently located on the beta branch "patron_release" accessible with the code "beta10sounds", or if you don't have Steam and would like to try the DRM-free version, send me an email at gridsagegames@gmail.com (links already sent out to those who had X1/X2).

Note: I've also expanded wizard mode features and will provide that info in a separate post (plus there's a new key).



This seems like a big impact to the "digging through walls" strategy. If that's right, what was the reasoning behind it? * MOD: Attacking from a space prone to cave-ins increases that chance even when using a melee weapon, rather than only when firing projectile weapons


Yep, indeed it is, at least for those who are extremely careful about not getting caved in on (I mean the chance is fairly tiny if you don't do it much), though of course it still works on walls with a thickness of 1, and you can still use projectile weapons to safely shoot from outside. But what it does is prevent safe angled digs that make it much easier to quickly escape from sight of pursuers and more importantly blocks the ability to fight them in dug out corridors where anyone using non-melee weapons was at a severe disadvantage. Anyway, the digging effect was actually a side effect of the dig-fighting strategy nerf, so we'll see how it plays out and it could theoretically be changed such that digging is okay but fighting is not, but stealth has always been insanely good so I don't think a nerf here might be too bad, and we'll see what strategies emerge as a result. Too early to tell at this point.