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I hate having to make these kinds of posts, but here we are. If you follow any number of creators on Patreon, you’ve probably heard that Apple is forcing Patreon to go through Apple to process in-app purchases.

What does this mean??

  • If you remain a subscriber, nothing!
  • If you subscribe through the Patreon’s website or the Patreon Android App, nothing!
  • If you subscribe through the Patreon iOS app starting November 2024, you will be charged an additional fee to cover Apple’s 30% app fee.

It is my understanding that no matter how you subscribe to my (or any) Patreon, you will still be able to use the iOS app.

As such, now’s a great time to rejoin my Patreon before the additional fees kick in. You get all kinds of early access and WIP, and there’s a huge new project coming up that you’re gonna love. It’s gonna be a real… money shot.

Or if you have to leave and you rejoin my Patreon after October, you will want to re-subscribe through the Patreon website directly, rather than using the iOS app to do so.

If you want to read more, Patreon has a handy dandy info page: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/27992185537037-How-iOS-in-app-purchases-work-for-fans


Cap E. Bara

There’s a lot of pushback happening and I’m still hoping they will backtrack on this. But we’ll see

Petar Son

I’m glad i subscribed then😎


I very much hope so. And if that happens, you can bet that I will keep everyone apprised of it!


Can we get some clarification? I primarily use Patreon on iOS. I have a credit card linked to my Patreon account. It’s only if you use the Apple Store to make payments that get these added fees? Or any transaction that you utilize on iOS gets that fee? I’m asking if I need to start making payments on my desktop browser. Sorry if these questions seem dumb.


Totally reasonable question! My understanding is if you use your mobile browser to signup/pay through the Patreon website, you won’t get the fee. It is only in-app payments that will be subjected to Apple’s fee.


I have a question You said starting November 2024 they add that 30% fee right? So would it apply if i subscribed to a creator on this app tomorrow, would that fee be applied?


My understanding is: no. Apple’s fees will only start in November. Any subscriptions made before that aren’t subject to Apple’s fees.

Stone Quillian III

Wait. I don't use apps, so what does that mean for me?


If you did not subscribe through the iOS Patreon app, nothing will change for you. Same great art. Same low low price.

Tracy Scops

Moneyshot, you say? *shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg*