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Huge thanks to everyone who has contributed up till now. This has allowed us to plan our expansion. We are now launching new subscriber tiers and will be putting out more content. Everyone who signs up will gain access to bonus episodes + more. 

Two episodes a month will remain free to all.

$1 and $3 tiers will be abolished next month but will have access to bonus episodes over June. Thanks for your support. #ForzaBunga


pindakaas cheese

Why do you do this? Making your content part of a Walled Garten limits your reach and limits your appeal to new audiences. Do you know which podcast I give the most money to? It's a podcast that is completely free and I give on a voluntary basis because what they do is valuable to the community and so I can contribute to spread the message, thats what i pay them for. You might be able to understand where I am coming from with that as you say your socialists. I am not going to pay you to make your podcast less accessible. Sorry about that.

pindakaas cheese

Make a "the podcast remains free for everybody" tier and I'll gladly join that. I am not interested in contributing to making my little walled internet garden more beautiful. We need more people to listen not less right? I get that you want more money, but this is not a good way. I will contribute if I can keep the podcast free for everybody with my contribution

Aufhebunga Bunga

Hi pindakaas_cheese. We aren't making the podcast less accessible. We've always put out fortnightly episodes for free, and we are continuing to do that. What's changing is we are now going to start regularly producing more episodes, and hopefully better episodes all round. To do that we need money. It is only the additional episodes which will be limited to patrons.