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We respond to your questions and comments from the past two months. Plus a continuation of our chat with Catherine Liu (from 55mins onwards) - on PMC unions, PMC child-rearing and the culture industry.




Paul Brewer

I had been having a difficult week so it was lovely to find my comment addressed by my favourite podcasters. If I may make two footnotes, the first being that I date the cynicism of the British for politicians much further back than the expenses scandal. I know when I first arrived there in the late 1970s I was shocked at how so many spoke of how "they're all as bad as each other". I think it was during the "sleaze" of the Major govt that the mood really gripped the body politic in a wholesale form. Also, as to Congress, I had thought about mentioning them in my original comment exactly for the reasons George and Alex state. But only to say that I brought this up with a bunch of Americans in the 2010s to be told that while collectively Congress is held in disrepute, voters are actually often fond/supportive of their own Reps and senators because they can get Federal spending in the state and district. I would also like to offer solidarity to Alex for walking his cat. People who can manage that deserve praise, not sneering mockery.


Much respect for answering the Hegel question lol. Obvs I agree that not all contradictions are solved under communism, but I still think that the class contradictions must necessarily be, which is why the Hegel ep threw me for a loop.