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How to address the political problems of leftwing parties today? 

Liverpudlian historian David Swift argues that the problem is hobbyism - people for whom politics constitutes their identity rather than expressing their interest in social and political change. He joins us to take us through his arguments about hobbyism, and how he thinks the Left might change for the better. 




Eli S

Oh wow, I never thought a foreign author would know about Nissim Mizrachi. Thanks for the shout-out! It feels like a small crumb of solidarity in a political era trying to fuck us over.


Bizarre choice of terminology, which can seemingly only lead into a hall of mirrors. Owen Jones, the quintessential professional leftist, is actually a hobbyist, because he's insufficiently committed to Labour victory at any cost? The guest comes across like he's more concerned about the means of intellectual production becoming democratized.