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On Covid and the end of the end of history.

Adam Tooze joins us to discuss his new book, Shutdown. In 2020 everything changed... so that everything might remain the same.

What were the reasons behind the global shutdown? Was it a result of over-protection, a policy of repression, or the result of structural tensions? Has China been the winner of the pandemic? How have central banks been victims of their own success? And does this represent the end of neoliberalism?  

The latter part of the interview continues here on patreon, for subscribers only.




I always expected Adam to speak with a BBC accent for some reason. Wasn't prepared for the intensity of this episode.

Paul Brewer

Very much liked Prof. Cunliffe's question about how an historian approaches writing about current affairs. Not knowing the end robs us of the ability to develop alt-history scenarios that are necessary to inform our research.