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Our next reading club is on GM Tamas' essay "Telling the truth about class", published in Socialist Register in 2009 (attached here).

"All versions of socialist endeavour can and should be classified into two principal kinds, one inaugurated by Rousseau, the other by Marx. The two have opposite visions of the social subject in need of liberation, and these visions have determined everything from rarefied epistemological positions concerning language and consciousness to social and political attitudes concerning wealth, culture, equality, sexuality and much else."

The episode will be recorded in late October, date TBA shortly. For access, sign up for the $10/mo tier. 


Luke Thibault

This interview touches on the article and it’s themes: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/05/tamas-fascism-socialism-east-europe-hungary/ “The internationalism of capital is not countered by an internationalism of labour; there you have the reason for “populism” in a nutshell. Bourgeois egalitarianism stops at the boundaries of the nation-states, but capital doesn’t. This is why Western and Central European social democracy won’t support Syriza.”

Ghost Runner

Are there folks in Vancouver who would be interested in having a local reading club of these articles?


Doesn’t help you but I definitely would have been back when I lived there!