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On rising wages after the pandemic.

Workers are quitting their jobs and not going back. Restricted supply is seeing wages go up. Does this signal a new militancy, or are workers just deciding to make do with less? How has the pandemic shaped people's outlooks?

Articles (pdf attached on patreon):


Bungacast will be live in New York on 19 November. Come see Alex Hochuli in conversation with Adam Tooze & Amber A'Lee Frost. Tickets at Eventbrite




Oh maybe I misheard, I thought you mentioned a podcast about the history of the economist at some point in this episode? Sorry if I'm confused.

Aufhebunga Bunga

Oh yes of course - here you go! I particularly enjoyed this one (-Alex) https://www.patreon.com/posts/104-aristocracy-33310950


It sure would be nice with some wage increases, but I haven't seen anything of it myself yet. And even if my union could negotiate good deal in next year's round of negotiations, I doubt it will keep up with inflation, especially not with the soaring electricity prices.