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On the left outflanked.

We continue our discussion with Douglas Lain, formerly of Zer0 Books and now of Diet Soap Media. Has the left been overtaken by events - yet again?

And we propose a typology of a left divided between progressives, populists and Marxists – progressives who are authoritarian, populists who are opportunists, and Marxists who are lonely.

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John O'Riordan

doug talking about his views on vaccines sounds like a terrified hostage. and then wonders why the left is fucked

Eli S

Maybe ask the guys from General Intellect Unit whether they know anyone who can come on and give a critical view of the vaccination programs. We've been sitting through warning after warning about "variants", but received none of the promised variant-specific vaccines. Just "boosters", eg: consume more of the commodity already produced. Meanwhile, development of fully sterilizing, permanent vaccines has been slow-walked.

Eli S

Not sure I agree with dividing the progressives from the populists on grounds of opportunism. Both tendencies spend most of their time running after social movements ex post facto, trying to "radicalize" them.

Eli S

Holy shit Doug, did your kids join Black Hammer or something lmfao?