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Hey friends,

You can now choose to pay for Patreon on an annual basis. It would really help us out, and in return, you'll get a 10% discount. 

It'll help keep transaction fees down, and you won't lose access in case your credit card declines in the future. 

For existing patrons, the following steps will help you switch over your pledge to annual.

  1. Log in, hover over your profile icon in the top right corner, and select Manage  memberships
  2. From your Active Memberships page, click Edit next to the pledge you want to change
  3. Select the Annual option (if available) on the checkout page
  4. Click the Update button. You’ll be charged upfront for the discounted price

New patrons, visit our Patreon page, where you’ll have an annual option below your chosen tier’s “Join” button.

Check out this help center article if you have any questions about how it works.


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