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On our current attention-deficit and hyperpolitical disorder.

In our book, The End of the End of History, we discuss the move from post-politics to anti-politics; from consensus to rejection; from apathy to anger. In a new article, Anton Jäger argues we've now moved into a hyperpolitical age. Is everything being politicised...except the really important stuff?

We discuss some examples of hyperpolitics in Europe and North America and ask if what's going on is just culture war, or something bigger. And what are the risks of an actual civil war in France or the US?





The ngo activist complex is a replacement for the grass roots level of democracy. It is operated by globalists for their own purposes. Hyperpolitics is hyperactivity in that system.

Paul Brewer

FYI, I know Kalamazoo a little bit, as my brother and mother lived there for about two decades. I visited a few times over the years. It's indeed a typical post-industrial rust-belt small town, a potentially Democratic island surrounded by a deeply Republican agricultural area, in part owing to it having two significant institutions of tertiary education -- the private Kalamazoo College, a liberal-arts leaning place, and the public Western Michigan University, which has more science/engineering research but also hosts a regular conference on Mediæval history. However, in bygone years the Democrats were more likely to be drawn from people who worked in paper mills and other industries associated with agriculture and natural resource processing, the manufacture of taxicabs and pharmaceuticals. It's exactly the sort of place the Democrats need to win strongly to carry Michigan, but has every reason to feel 'left behind' by changes that began under NAFTA.