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The first in an occasional series on new initiatives.

We speak to Malcolm Kyeyune of Sweden's Örebro Party about its origins, analysis and goals. Is a new working class politics to be found in direct opposition to the PMC or the 'transferiat'? How does this local party intend to scale up? What sort of issues are on its agenda? And how does it aim to go beyond the impasses of other populist initiatives?




To build on critiques that others have put forward here, in replacing the bourgeoisie with the ‘transferriat’ as the main enemy of workers, there seems to be a lack of analysis of the way that these people actually fit into strategies of accumulation by the bourgeoisie. I’m sure the reality is contradictory, but it seems to me pretty clear that this group exists as a result of the interests of capitalists to accumulate as much as the state - it is a capitalist state after all. To skirt this question is to leave a pretty serious gap in the analysis. The notion that they are ‘merely’ parasitical let’s them, and the capitalists, off the hook way too easy.


Your feedback ep provoked me to give this a more careful listen. Really interesting. Well done George. Let's have more "contrarians".