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On the Brothers of Italy

We talk to Mattia Salvia, former Rolling Stone Italia politics editor and author of Interregno, about Italy's election last weekend in the context of a Europe in crisis. The big question to start: is Meloni a fascist - and will her government be fascist?

With very low turnout, it seems like the working class has deserted politics, with 5 Star being the last gasp of proletarian participation. Does Meloni try to appeal to this constituency at all? Her low-tax anti-welfare policies don't seem like it.

And what of Meloni's pro-NATO politics? And what does this mean for the EU - will a FdI-ruled Italy weaken the union, or strengthen it? 


In Italian



Erik Anderson

there's a point at which political analysis matches "super edgy music" analysis. Is Fugazi really punk? Is Big Black the original emo/screamo? Can Sonic Youth fans really be considered "alternative" given their abhorrence to that in 1994 given the course of music fandom? Apples and oranges albeit- the constant hatred of wokery where its due in spite of where its not is leaving me thinking compact mag might be a sure fit for these fellas.

Paul Brewer

The strategy described in the episode of right-wing economics wedded to anti-woke campaigning to appeal to some part of a ‘working class’ really describes my governor, Ron DeSantis, far more than it ever did Trump.