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On the US cultural climate.

Renowned/notorious writer Norman Finkelstein joins us to discuss the themes of his latest and last book, I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get To It!

What unites the leading intellectual proponents of wokeness today, people like Ibram X Kendi or Kimberlé Crenshaw? How do they differ from anti-racist and liberationist heroes of the past? What continuities are there between today's cancel culture and the politics of the New Left? 

We discuss the definition of wokeness and ask whether we have already reached peak wokeness, and examine the emergence of anti-wokness.


I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get To It!: Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom, Norman Finkelstein, Sublation




I have to say I found this conversation disappointing. It's not that I disagreed with a lot of what he was saying, but I was hoping for something new or a fresh angle. People have been doing these critiques of wokeness for at least the last five years and there was nothing new here. There was too much complaint about how people aren't real radicals anymore and a lack of deeper analysis or insight, either into the material foundations of contemporary politics or their intellectual origins.


Unfortunately wokeness doesn't go away when you talk about it.


How the hell is deleuze a philosopher of wokeness?