Episode 4: Reading Club 2023 (Patreon)
The first three episodes of the 2023 Reading Club saw us carrying out an in-depth reading of Martin Hagglund's This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom
The fourth and final episode on the theme of FREEDOM will cover the following responses to Martin Hägglund's important book:
- Limited Time: On Martin Hägglund’s This Life, Robert Pippin – and response by Martin Hägglund (pdf)
- Response 2: The Problem of Agency, Lea Ypi, The Philosopher
- Socialism For Our Time: Freedom, Value, Transition, Conall Cash, Boundary2 (Sections IV and V)
- LA Review of Books symposium: pieces by Walter Benn Michaels, Benjamin Kunkel, William Clare Roberts and the three-part response by Hägglund: 1, 2, 3
The episode will be recorded on 26 May, so please send in any questions you'd like us to discuss by then. These can concern the readings or broader issues.
The Reading Club is for patrons Tier II ($10/mo) and above. Sign up now if you'd like to join us!
If you would like to meet up with fellow listeners in your area and have not yet, drop us a message or email us at info[at]bungacast.com with your email address and we will try to put you in touch with others.