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On reactionary feminism.

[Patreon Exclusive]

We continue our discussions on contemporary feminism by looking at the diametric opposite of the atomistic vision presented by Sophie Lewis: the conservative, communitarian approach advanced by Mary Harrington.

Harrington is critical of 'Progress Theology'. What does that mean, beyond rejecting new orthodoxies on gender – does that mean rejecting progress wholesale? If liberalism has reached a dead end, what intellectual supports should we draw upon?

And if we join Harrington in rejecting the 'caring' state – the 'antiseptic cyborg devouring mother' – does that mean also defending 'care' against 'freedom', as she does?




Rickie Leach

I'm transsexual and I don't generally care which toilet I use, or changing room, nothing happens there, they are rooms that smell whichever one selected. You do realise though that trans women use womens rape crisis centres because they get raped, quite often?


Phil always has the best takes on women's issues. On the final chapters on homesteading, I don't think this is meant as a prescription as much as it is just a moral defense of her own withdrawal from political struggle into a cocoon of middle class wealth.