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On Dirtbag and the Millennial Left.

Bungacast regular Amber A'Lee Frost is back to talk about her new book, Dirtbag — part memoir, part critical essays on millennial socialism. In this episode we discuss:

  • Why "millennial"? Does it make sense to talk in generational terms?
  • What are the left's "perversions" as Amber sees them?
  • 'Occupy' was all leaderless, horizontalist crap. Why did Amber stick around?
  • Bernie Sanders did not leave an organizational legacy – why?
  • After the failure of left-populism, in US and Europe, was it all worth it?




Eli S

Holy damn. Amber really nails it with "necrophilia". It's the Dana Horn phenomenon for the labor movement. "People love dead workers."

John O'Riordan

' I was much fonder of the old people in the darkness than I was of young people in the daytime' Michael Collins. a man who actually did some politics


Felt personally attacked when she described socialists as useless nerds with no friends.