/390/ The Biggest Country No One Talks About ft. Vedi Hadiz (Patreon)
2024-02-09 12:56:46
2024-02-16 12:17:43
On Indonesia: a country without a Left.
Foremost scholar of Indonesian politics and political economy, Vedi Hadiz of the University of Melbourne, joins us to talk through the country's politics in advance of the elections next week.
- What was the authoritarian order that followed the 1965 anti-communist massacres?
- How did the Asian financial crisis lead towards democratisation – and how did the old oligarchy manage to retain much of its power?
- How has Indonesia become "Islamified", and what is "Islamic populism"?
- How do class and ethnicity/religion interact in Indonesia? Who speaks for the "downtrodden"?
- Is the upcoming election a contestation between oligarchic populisms?
- /121/ Those Murdering Bastards ft. Vincent Bevins, Bungacast
- Marketing Morality in Indonesia's Democracy, Vedi Hadiz, East Asia Forum
- The demise of the left and the Islamisation of dissent in Indonesia, Vedi Hadiz, Melbourne Asia Review (video)
- Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Election Could Be the Last Battle of the Titans, Carnegie Endowment
- The Act of Killing, dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012