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Heyo there! ♥ Thank you so much for all the support this month as well, you guys are great <3
Not much to report this month, I want to focus on catching up on owed art, so that then I can focus on my comic, better Patreon management, as well as being more active within the art community! My goal is also to save up enough to get Cintiq-like tablet by March-April or so, OR a microphone to start covers ♥ So yeah, hopefully some changes will come soon!

I am attaching here the month's hi-res files, sorry that they aren't many but I've realized only now how little I'm posting despite the huge amount of art I have yet to share...as said above I'll really do my best to be active in the community, I promise ;v;

And as every month, send in your fanart requests/suggestions!!
I will doodle a few, and then on the last week of the month will put up a poll so you can choose your favorite picture for me to finish as full illustration~
So don't be shy, request away! <333

Lastly, as every month your points have been updated, so if you wanna use them to get free art please do so here by the 15th, thank you!

Thanks again to all of you, and hope it's a great month to everyone ♥♥♥


Madame Bonbon

Omg how bout any of the Aquarian evol couples x3 my fav anime


Would love to give it a try, but I don't know about the anime so when I try Googling that I get wayyy too many different characters to understand which ones are couples xD If you could please send me some refs, I'll start doodling right away ♥

Madame Bonbon

<a href="https://www.google.com/search?biw=2048&bih=467&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=h6-MWq-IH-_m_QaH8ZnwCw&q=aquarion+evil+couples&oq=aquarion+evil+couples&gs_l=psy-ab.3...26184.36381.0.36383." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/search?biw=2048&bih=467&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=h6-MWq-IH-_m_QaH8ZnwCw&q=aquarion+evil+couples&oq=aquarion+evil+couples&gs_l=psy-ab.3...26184.36381.0.36383.</a>#imgrc=RR-cZMQ_uNiknM:

Madame Bonbon

Amata and mikono are the most popular/yunoho and him are sad couple/kagura and mikono/

Timothy Conmy

I'll go ahead and request Mai Valentine from the original Yu-gi-oh series.


Never would have expected a YGO request, this definetely makes me happy <333 Mai is such a pretty yet badass lady~ Do you have any specific setting or pose for this you'd like to see, or at least "mood" (like cute, sexy, elegant, sad, etc.)? It would help a lot ♥