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27/06 edit (warning: mini rant)
Ok, so my mom's surgery was today...or at least, supposed to. We're up since 5am because the doctor told us to be at the hospital at 7am latest, so I get my mom there and they make us wait...forever. She can't drink bc of immininet surgery, and with the current heatwave (that's especially hitting my region, yay...we're always around 42°C, with some peaks at 50°C) it was really hard on her. Also on me 'cause I had to go back and forth the hospital and her house (and we don't have a car) to bring her stuff and check on my little bro (he can't enter the hospital 'cause too young, or I would have brought him with me). At one point my heart even started hurting a lot and I felt like fainting, pretty sure it wasn't my usual tachycardia as it felt different but I'm good now so no worries! Maybe it had to do with my blood pressure issues, idk
Anyways, after all that time, the surgeon tell us only at like, 2pm, that they can't perform the surgery today. Like, WHAT?? And even worse, they say they will be able to do it only in two months! Like what the fuck, this was supposed to be an urgent surgery, my mom had to delay even other stuff like surgery to her liver stones to get this because she's risking fucking sepsis, and they pull this out??? Luckily after a lot of arguing they agreed to have surgery next week, on the 4th. So my mini-hiatus is post-poned to then, and it should hopefully be easier since my brother's last graduation exam is on the 3rd and he can help me out. It's been a long day and I'm just so tired and angry so excuse the mini-rant, was just wanting to let you know why I may disappear a couple days next week! TwT/ I may be a bit slow in general during this heatwave...this damn hot weather gives me such headaches and tiredness it's very difficult to focus, if we only we had A/C at home;;;
As always wish you the best, Desi out~


Yo guys! Sorry I've been less active lately...as you know I'm out of a recent huge hiatus, and still doing my best to get out of art block.

Just wanted to let you know that I will have to take a few days off because my mother has an important surgery this Thursday (eardrum reconstruction, and an ear infection that got to her head too, they'll have to remove a bone piece of the cranium 'cause too infected). So that means I have to look after her, and stay a few days at her house to look after my young (9 y/o) half brother too. My other brother can't help 'cause graduating so it'll be just me c,:

Because of this delaying further my already delayed schedule, I will pause the MOS comic for a while. I hate to do this, since it was also a promise to my father to keep it up, but I'm way too behind on commissions, Patreon rewards, replies, everything. I'm really struggling to keep up with everything, and it may show;;; So as soon as I can my primary focus will be commissions and rewards. I haven't reached the Patreon $250 comic goal anyways, so hope it's ok if for a bit updates won't be weekly c,: I'll try to post WIPs if anyone's interested, since storyboard all the way up to end of chapter 2 is done!

And that's all I think, TLDR; my life's a mess as usual and I'm late on everything, I know TvT
Thanks for all your support and hope you're having a wonderful summer ♥


Timothy Conmy

Aww, sad to see that MOS is going to be delayed for a while. But it is understandable with how much has been going on for you in recent times. Hopefully she doesn't give you too much gruff when you are helping out the way you are despite everything. Take care of yourself there, Desi! Will be waiting to hear from you when things get less hectic.~


Ahhh, Desi, ther'es no need to worry about us little folk here! But it's good to know what's going on with you. Especially since you haven't yet hit that patreon goal, I wouldn't worry about holding up a bit on the comic for any of our sakes. If anything I'd be more upset over what it means personally than to me >.< Hopefully your summer ends up going better than it is, and I hope your mother's surgery goes quickly and safely!

Mica Night

Quite busy myself at the moment, so I can understand quite well. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Contact me if you need anything. Best wishes for you and your family


Sorry to hear about that Desi! Take care of yourself and your family! I think people will understand art being slow when there's a family emergency. Wish you and your family the best~