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Almost done catching up with the rewards, yeyyyyy ;w;9 ♥ If I'm not mistaken only the fullbodies requested by DragonLordT and Kaiter are left ;w;

Hope you enjoy this array of cute girls! In order, these pretty ladies belong to: Enreeu, Amora Faye, MimzyWhimzy, Lunathyst and Kaiter! Enjoy! c:

(also something I've learned while working on rewards the past couple months is I can't draw the cute+flirty look, send help)



Lunathyst (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:20:52 Morgana looks beautiful as ever! Thank you so much Desi!! She's perfect <333
2020-06-06 18:24:54 Morgana looks beautiful as ever! Thank you so much Desi!! She's perfect <333

Morgana looks beautiful as ever! Thank you so much Desi!! She's perfect <333