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  • Yes, I'd like to join a Patreon discord server, even if you're not gonna be much talkative! 45
  • Yes, I'd like to join a Patreon discord server, but I'd prefer if you were more active! 0
  • No, not interested in a discord server! 2
  • Other (please comment) 1
  • 2020-09-10
  • 48 votes
{'title': 'Discord?', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, I'd like to join a Patreon discord server, even if you're not gonna be much talkative!", 'votes': 45}, {'text': "Yes, I'd like to join a Patreon discord server, but I'd prefer if you were more active!", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'No, not interested in a discord server!', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Other (please comment)', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10, 10, 6, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 48}


My social anxiety is worse than ever and idk, maybe trying again with a discord server could help me getting out of my comfort zone and learn to interact with others?
I had tried making a discord server for my patrons in the past, had to shut it after an year or so because of my inactivity/anxiety, so if I try this again I may need someone to help me manage it! ;w;
(one of my main issues is that I often don't have much to say, or the energy to interact with others...so I would start a discord only if you're comfortable with me popping in the general chat just every once in a while)

I thought it may also be a way to immediately deliver rewards, better ping you for commission openings etc. it's just the chatting aspect of it that makes me back off from starting another server x///D So yeah, what do you think? Comments with your thoughts are super appreciated! ♥

Ps. please note, even if the majority of votes is "yes" it's not set in stone that I'll do end up making a server! It ultimately depends on how I feel about it ;w; ♥



Doesn't hurt to try it out. Every little bit helps, and if you still need to close it, I'm sure we'll understand.


i running my own server aswell and could help to manage it (could also provide a template if u want to) :3


I'm on a couple of artist servers and the artists running them don't always talk much and that's okay! they come and go and just use it as a space to talk to their supporters when they feel up to it =D which is totally valid imo!


I'm painfully shy in real life too, but I really love chatting with people online.. especially other artists ;v; It'd also make it easy to share drawing tips and stuff like your brush settings~ I'm in a number of artists' discord servers, and everyone has their own level of comfort when it comes to chatting! While obviously I'd be excited to get to know you better, it's also 100% cool if you only pop in occasionally (if you do end up making a server, that is)


Personal opinion: I think Patreon is still the better option for commission announcements for individuals that may share your anxiety on servers. A server can be good but not if it makes you unhappy. I'm fine without that aspect, so just think of what makes you most comfortable.

Bree Bones

In all fairness, I’m not super active in any discord, including my own. I can totally understand where you’re coming from because group chats and servers with super active people can be overwhelming.


Thank you so much! I wouldn't want to make a mess like last time, so it means a lot that you'd be so understanding ♥


Oh gosh, thank you! That's very sweet of you, if I do end up making the server I may ask you for help then ♥


Aah, it's kinda comforting knowing there are other artists doing that and managing just fine x,D Thank you so much, and happy that you think so! I'm just a mess when it comes to interacting, even with my own friends ahah;;;


Ahah, I think I've passed the limit between shy and anxious a long time ago sadly x,D I'm happy you can at least manage online tho! ♥ Yes, I feel like it may be easier to share things (also things like inspirations, resources etc.) and have all links in one place ahah, it's just the interaction that makes me iffy about it x,D Thank you so much! I'm so happy you think so ^^


Oh, I'm sorry if it came across that way, but if i do end up making a server I'm 100% going to continue the Patreon posts/management as usual! I have no intention to turn everything to discord, as like you say it wouldn't be comfortable for people like me with social anxiety...heaven knows how much I feel bad about the few patreon discords I support, I barely enter but I must for some rewards xP;;; (there were times I lost my rewards just because of anxiety, ahah...) So yes, everything here would stay the same, at exception maybe of art posts/wips which would be all dumped once/twice a month in a post to not keep spamming you with things as soon as I get them done xD Thanks a lot for your input ♥♥♥


Yesss, exactly ;w; My previous discord was a mess because I was barely active, but I had only like 20-30 patrons so i feel like now that we're in 110+ it could be manageable even if I'm not super chatty? I mean, there should be plenty of other people to chat with x,D And it'd be still handy for me to quickly share things and have everything in one place ^^


Trust me, I know how it means to be shy and hard to talk to other people. It's become a little easier thanks to my time at work, but overall, it's still not as easy. (But the other cool thing about Discord is being able to personally talk one on one with some people privately if you need/want to)