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Some of you probably saw the Bugs Bunny pic I put on my Instagram... I was trying to do something cool with a water glass and caption it “glass half full” but it was a lot harder than I thought, and I ended up with the Bugs Bunny photo, which was completely different than my original intention. Anyway, here are some of the glasses and angles I tried... these are only 10 photos but I had more like 100! Putting up a video update later today! Happy Sunday!




Happy Sunday to you too

Alex Roth


John Chung

Euclid "The Hipster" of Alexandria did this 4th century BC before it was cool. His mom was always telling him to get off his tablet and go do something useful outside (what do moms have against the indoors, anyway?) Instead, he pursued his dream of becoming an influencer, his one true calling (note: it was commonplace for dilettantes not to listen to anyone, even their mothers). He, too, spent countless hours staring at glass objects to record creative content, and now look at him—he's remained popular for millennia. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think you're on to something...

Matt Longo

I ... actually really love these photos