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Games galore



That is one of the longest running show in Korea right now. And that guy Jongmin was the only original member that joined since Season 1 way back 2007. They change cast every season (except for Jongmin). The show focuses on Korea's scenery. They travel those places while doing challenges and games in exchange of their food and shelter. If a member lose a game, he will not eat lunch or will sleep outside overnight. I've been watching the show since Season 3 in 2013. I was so happy when I hear New Jeans will be their guest.


I've watched a few here and there, I thought there was a usual cast, didn't realize they changed it every season. Just to add, Jongmin is technically a current Kpop idol as his group Koyote is still active, they're from the late 90's. As I'm watching it looks like he does recognize Jongmin.


Hanni is too competitive, she would’ve definitely downed that salty soup if they let her 😭

b hy

Fun fact - this is the origin of Earth Arcade. Na PD really came into prominence by developing 1N2D Season 1, then he took the show format and created New Journey the the West. New Journey to the West being further developed -> Earth Arcade 😄


Yo, check this Hanni video bro. I guarantee you this is funny as hell https://youtu.be/ln7CLzjGL1o