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Torong is just destined to only take L's

Yujin calling her CEO had me cracking up so hard



22:50 in, Park NamJung is STAYC Sieun's dad lmao

민준 김

22:50 fyi that guy is stayc sieun's dad


they appeared on harper bazaar for a photoshoot and lil interview after s1 (https://youtu.be/UzpKNVXx5b4?si=fNkPeuEilwtFrRIX)


🕯️Manifesting Torong first win 🕯️


Yujin did an interview with Türkiyes on the Block and Park PD during the After Like era. https://youtu.be/NZ5j3bieFzM?si=RVg2Ds_0q2BIXPDo


haha this was hilarious, its like the same show that Chaewon/Kazuha and Tanaka san went on.

DITI123 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 18:43:11 You should check out the NA PD live they did with IVE. it got eng sub today.
2023-10-28 05:15:39 You should check out the NA PD live they did with IVE. it got eng sub today.

You should check out the NA PD live they did with IVE. it got eng sub today.


In Japan they write the year, month, then day, so I’m guessing Korea is the same. Also Shinjuku station is the busiest station in the world 😂 Tokyo station is more confusing in my opinion, but I know a lot of tourists get lost in Shinjuku 😂 I think in the beginning torong just said a lot of provoking and sassy things to them so they were like who tf is this guy and they’ve had beef ever since 😂 I do wanna see him win too though he’s just trying to escape bad work conditions 😂


when i was in korea earlier this year i saw like at least 5 or 6 ads of yujin for banks, cosmetics etc., it's crazy, it's on billboards, bus, subway, everywhere

b hy

Yep. Yujin was already popular in 2022, but she *really* blew up in Korea in 2023. And she got ads that idols don't normally get to do - Hana Financial, for example, is like JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs of Korea. It shows that her popularity goes beyond what is typical for idols in Korea. Youngji again failing to recognize Writer Lee's "Hospital Playist", calling it a "new music show" :D Na PD did a live with IVE not too long ago. I love it because Yujin is now so comfortable with Na PD, it's full on 100% father-daughter vibe :D https://www.youtube.com/live/G_ToFENs6pQ?si=kq_kHL9hrACpFTyS