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I'm pausing my Patreon for this month so there will be no billing period during the 1st November.

Feeling a little burnt-out recently so I'm going to take a little break this month. Also I've got some in-real-life contracting work to do as well 🙄 Hope y'all can understand 😊

That being said I will try and do a couple Halloween pieces before the end of this month that will be free for all Patrons ☺️ 

As always, thank you so much for the support!



Ovidius Naso

Gotta take care of the self first, please take your time :) We'll be here when you get back


You might be the first person ever since I joined patreon that announced a pause to services just so they can give their creative mind a break and refresher. Just wanted to say it's good to finally see someone willing to take a break and not over work themselves to please their customers. We all know that a refreshed mind performs best, so have a good metaphorical nap :P and we'll be waiting here when you come back. :)


Hey. Thank you! Means a lot to have people say that. Glad to have you back. Yea a few of the artists I’m pledged to myself occasionally take breaks. I definitely think it’s important to take breaks even from things you love doing. I’m back to it now though as I paused it over October :)