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So, there is a story connected to this one, as this idea has been rattling in my mind for years(Kinda), over a decade ago when I was a small one, I had been into many a Animes, and one that I was infatuated with was Dragon Ball Z, And I had watched it all the way through, even later going back to classic Dragonball and watching it all the way through past Z.

and despite other peoples opinions at the time I really liked GT as well, as it used one of my favourite characters, Trunks, and had added the new character Pan, Daughter of Gohan and Videl and me bein a smoll one as I was had one of my first anime crushes on her, (who'd figure I like Stronk Woman.)

So in the I believe 3rd episode there was a scene that replayed in my head for ages afterwards, and that was the scene where Pan was trying to come aboard the ship, keeping the key on her, and thwarting Trunks by dropping it down her shirt.

So I thought that scene was incredibly hot, and eventually daydreamed about being the key going into a giant Pan's shirt, then I started to search that up, giantess content in general I found intriguing, and after many times going to DeviantArt for more content I eventually found Vore.

Which you can guess how I felt about that.

So, yea one scene from Dragon Ball GT led me to find Vore, Hells it probably would've happened eventually but you get what you find. 



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