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A bit of a different post, but I'd like to hear what you guys think.

Many of you have probably heard that Funimation is shutting down. I'm curious how many of you might be affected by it, since apparently people will be losing all of their digital purchases as a result.

How many of you are losing products that you've paid for?

What are your thoughts on digital vs physical purchases, or even avoiding the issue altogether by watching things for free through various means?



This is just another example of a cloud-hosting site negative. We've seen it before for example Amity Arena. It sucks but I feel this is a risk people should be familiar with. Anyway, raise the sails 🏴‍☠️


Not much is changing for me. Frankly I figure most of it is preserved on other sites.


OH, almost forgot to answer the question: I'm not losing much because of the way I try to keep my phsyical collection and at the same time, trying to keep the "archives" thingy going on. Not the best way, but at least I still have access to the things I love and care about.


Honestly, I am completely unaffected by Funimation. However if the conversation is actually about Digital vs Physical goods, then I will be hones to say that I prefer Digital goods.