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Hey guys.

Yeah, I know it's a bit overdue, but here's the result of the Chris or Kane poll. Kane wins by a landslide, which wasn't unexpected but it's definitely humbling to see the difference.

In the end, this works out better for the Santa Lucia project as a whole. With us recently revealing plans for Last Sorrow, Chris dropping from the spotlight in Ben's story gives me a ton of wiggle room to make him a more interesting and integral character in Last Sorrow's story. so I wouldn't count ol' Chrissypoo out just yet, guys.

As for Kane, the result of this poll gives him the coveted Chris Route slot in Ben's story. I'm planning to have Kane's route branch off of a particular point in the Neutral route. If you've played Bryan's route, then you probably know where the branching point will be. 

As with all the extra routes, there won't be any progress on them until the main three have finished. I also expect to have progressed a bit further into Act 4 before I start working on Kane's route, just to ensure the plot has continued and we don't remain on a perpetual standstill in the route section of the game.





I feel a little bad for Chris but at the same time he still kind of gets a good deal of focus in the game regardless, and a route with him would probably be a good bit uncomfortable on his end with how he ended up just running away when Shay tried to initiate anything, we learn a good deal about him in the story with not much else to really explore in a route itself and all that would have really happened would be the same general events except replacing Shay with Ben. I look forward to his eventual role in Last Sorrow though, if he were to be a party member or someone important to their plight it'd be really cool to see!

The Alpha Scout

Nooooo!! I wanted a Datable Chris Route !! With the creativity that you have, can't it be done?


Considering that in the story he learns he simply isn't able to do that at all it would just lead to a very uncomfortable breakup and with how unwell Ben is compared to Shay (at least comparatively) it's probably for the best it didn't happen

The Alpha Scout

Um I didn't get that far yet....... I didn't know he was in a relationship.......thx for the spoilers :l