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Hong seok is now part of pentagon :) I’m not sure how much you know them but I also really like their music. I tried watching their survival show but it got kind of confusing 😅 nevertheless I remember he said something like he learned a huge lesson thanks to B.I and mix & match so it all happened like it should :) also I only see now how close Charnwood already is to the members especially Yunhyeong and I love it!


Appreciate how u kept on admiring B.I’s leadership!! I get how being a leader is such a huge responsibility and somehow B.I came through with all the hardships 🥹


I love WIN and M&M because it's so raw. I don't know any other shows that show so many of the ugly/dark sides of these kind of survival programs. And thank you for all your nuances with BI. I really liked hearing your thoughts and personal experiences as well. Really interesting!