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funny thing, when i read the manga, i never really thought about that stuff... but now while watching the anime it's like... bruh. Because I think it's crazy that Kobenis is even a Devil Hunter, I mean, she is very unstable with how easily she panics and wants to kill her own team mates. When Devil Hunting is all about life and death, where you want the Devils to die and not your Team by the hands of your Team. I guess they really take anyone without any tests really or evaluation. And the even more crazy thing is that they also put her on Aki's team, which is a special team and is pretty much dead set on going against the Gun Devil, which is like the most crazy Devil they know of, yep, perfect Team for an unstable person to be at. Especially since Devils feed on fear, so it's basically a Handicapped Hard Mode with Kobeni in the team. I mean, I get it, she doesn't wanted to be a Devil Hunter and did it pretty much because she had no other choice. And Kobeni and Arai seem to be pretty new, this might be their first real Job, because Arai said that Himano trained him the last 6 months. So this might be pretty much right after training for both of them. And not everyone is as cold or chill around crazy stuff like Denji or Power. But still, why do you put a person like Kobeni in a Team like Aki's. It's just crazy,


Aki said public safety devil hunters either die or leave after a year. I can't imagine you're having a ton of people wanting to become one or lasting even a year. Those in it "without a strong conviction" usually die in Aki's experience. Feel like at that point you have to take anyone.


Kobeni by the best devil hunters definition is a good devil hunter, she clearly has a screw lose as shes willing to kill a coworker and by Himeno words she is very talented. I think thats why she has always been my favorite character from the manga. Why would they pass on a talented devil hunter because she is timid if devil hunter always die anyway its not a risk to them.