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Steph Motion (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 01:16:18 Yea it's a second cour coming. I forgot when but it's soon. They're just taking a small break
2023-04-26 01:16:18 Yea it's a second cour coming. I forgot when but it's soon. They're just taking a small break
2022-12-28 17:45:27 Yea it's a second cour coming. I forgot when but it's soon. They're just taking a small break

Yea it's a second cour coming. I forgot when but it's soon. They're just taking a small break


The second cour will begin on January 7, so there will be a one-week break.

Jalen Holmes

Nah it ain't the last ep there's about 12-13 episodes left but there's no episode next week because of a break