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Hi guys!! I'm curious to know what are your thoughts on long vs short intros. Do you guys prefer us jumping straight into the reaction (short) OR us talking about the previous episode then jumping into the reaction? (long)


Steph Motion

Don’t really matter to me. Ima watch it regardless.


I like the recap just to see where your guys head is at with the show and what just happened. After a week or so it's hard to remember sometimes.

R NeverL

The recap is especially helpful if it's been at least a couple days since the last reaction. But all in all, I say, if you guys feel like spending a little more time talking before watching the video... go for it. I, for one, enjoy hearing your thoughts and don't watch reactions solely for live reactions.

Jalen Holmes

Tbh I don't really mind either of them. If you guys jump straight into then that's cool, if you guys talk about the previous one that's cool too

Roberto Rojas

Anyone know when they’ll start bleach fillers?

JacksOnion Lee

Long 100%. If people dont like it they can skip. U cant do anything bout short intro vice versa


This only things that I found funny about the intro is the fact that Steph will always point down at the same exact moment on every single video haha

Yendis The Great

Never thought about it, I simply watch it all


just do the long intro for the people that don't want to wait they just can skip the part


doesn't really matter tbh. just do what you prefer. ppl who don't like long intros can easily skip so either way, you can't really disappoint anyone.


I find a medium format interesting, introduction, board the previous episode info really quick and jump to the episode, but if you ask me i dont mind at all if you go for a long format because it helps me understand what u remember and what u got from the past episode at the same time


Would like to know info about this too C:, if i had to guess gonna be after blue lock and the boys/last of us ends but still who knows

Roberto Rojas

Maybe they might’ve said it in one of their podcasts but if they did I must’ve missed it

Tim B

Usually I would prefer short but I just like the way you go over things, discuss stuff and throw ideas around. Always feels really lighthearted and passionate so it's very enjoyable


Long intros, good to see a bit of a recap plus thoughts


Long way better 💯

Andreas Dutt

waste of time.. go for short


Those who don't like long intros can just skip to when you begin the episode anyway. I think you should do long intros for those who like that.