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Is it just me or does Shide kinda look like Aizen LOL



Yo i gotta question Do you know when yall gonna watch breaking bad since it won the poll?

Bakhtiar Rahim

Real question is what happen to Kaguya? A lot of people been asking with no replies. what are we paying for?


LET'S GO!!!! lol I've been waiting for the episodes. Thank you!!! And yes, he does look like aizen. LOL


2 things. 1 We did address it over on discord and we said that we would get back to it at a later date since it wasn’t performing well enough on Patreon or YouTube. 2 if you only paid for kaguya reactions then I would consider stop supporting us, Kaguya wasn’t an anime/show that was voted for on our polls, it’s just something we felt like checking out and it just didn’t work. Maybe in the future we’ll jump back in.

Norrin Radd

Is this show any good? I’ve been hesitant to start it because I know absolutely nothing about it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh y’all finally putting little captions