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Walter looking at the money in the car was legendary lol


R NeverL (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 09:19:08 Ahhh!!! I need to catch up. Ya'll on Episode 6 already. I haven't seen Breaking Bad, so excited to watch with you guys.
2023-04-25 09:19:08 Ahhh!!! I need to catch up. Ya'll on Episode 6 already. I haven't seen Breaking Bad, so excited to watch with you guys.
2023-03-31 17:26:32 Ahhh!!! I need to catch up. Ya'll on Episode 6 already. I haven't seen Breaking Bad, so excited to watch with you guys.

Ahhh!!! I need to catch up. Ya'll on Episode 6 already. I haven't seen Breaking Bad, so excited to watch with you guys.

Evoke 310

Oh hell yea! 2 episodes! These are great to rewatch all over again been enjoying each episode with yall


The beginning of heinsburg. Remember that name