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  • 202319144.mp4




"I can tell by the amount of slime she piles on herself" Basically confirming that he knows she has fake boobs lmao. Also Ep 10 is basically "the beach episode"


Yeah, Ep 10 was more like a calm Episode with some Character development for other Characters that are not Cid. Like showing that Epsilon is very self conscious about her body. And has some small skirmishes with Beta. Alexia and Iris get along now, since Alexia said that they drifted apart, because of her Swordstyle that she didn't liked and not being able to live up to expecations. And overall it was just a fun episode, I really like how the setup the scenes. Like having the camera perspective from the viewe of the random cat, while Beta and Epsilon were talking, because the whole conversation is kinda pointless. Or how much the Focus is on the breasts while Epsilong talk, because that's what it's all about for her.