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James Smith

One second ☝️

Evoke 310

Let’s go!!


notification squad!! cant wait to see this reaction one of my fav episodes of the series.


LETS GOOOO. Fantastic episode. I do believe that Hank's panic attacks are the symptoms of PTSD as a result of the El Paso incident. In terms of the Hank and Jessie incident, I do agree with Mel when she was saying that facts do matter. Yea, Hank could lie, but that would conflict with his morals. Even though it was hearsay because there was no witnesses. A good defense attorney can spin it against Jessie as well, but there was no defensive wounds on Hank which is the problem. Dope reaction nonetheless


Jessie did lose his friend Combo because of Walt


The show writers literally can't miss!!

Evoke 310

Lol I’ve seen this show already and I was stressing with y’all at the end 🤣

Nero Dokkan

Hank just shredded the twins. 😎


If yall think this is crazy Im gonna die til I see yall react to the rest of this series. amazing stuff guys love it.


rewatching this show, walt really is at fault for alot of the shit that happens with jesse. 1. Combo got killed because of walt 2. Jane died because of walt 3. Jesse lost that 68k after that tuco situation which made jesse hit rock bottom because of walt (also because walt wanted to continue business with him as well) 4. this whole hank situation is because of walt lol Sure jesse has gotten alot from working with walt but that really means nothing in the end if he loses it all because of him as well.


Fire reaction 🔥

Carlos Sarmiento

im mexican and can explain a little bit about the "saint" that you are talking about. They are not workshiping a saint (the one you are talking about does exist but is not the same thing).The twins are workshiping death. in mexico they called it "La Flaca" (means the skinny one) or saint Death. its not a catholic bealive and in fact we catholics are not allowed to workship the death becuse we consider it an idol. ( i know we have saints but we are not workshiping them or we shouldnt, we should ask them to talk with god for us because they are closer to him than us.) I hope this info is interesting and useful for you!!

Devante Vickers

I think yall forgetting all the stuff Jesse been through because of walt. Jesse does small mess ups. Walt does big impactful mess ups. I know you feel a certain way about Jesse, but don't let it blind you from all the stuff he had to go through because of walt. Walt push Jessie into things knowing what Jessie is capable of.

Devante Vickers

1.Plus, Walt let his girlfriend die. 2.Push territory to get Combo killed. 3.Made them become murders first season. 4.Made his ass get beat the hell up by Tuco. 5.The fact they even had to deal with Tuco. Jessie aint going into the motions. He just fed up for valid reasons.


The simultaneous "WOAHH!!!" at the end was everything. Another great episode and reaction from the both of you!


As someone who has spent a lot of time in court, Steph is correct about the court taking the word of an officer over a random guy the majority of the time assuming an independent witness does not exist. For example, if someone wants to contest a speeding ticket or a stop sign violation and actually goes to court instead of just paying the fine, the judge will ask to hear the officer's statement and then the violator and most of the time the judge will side with the officer. Not saying it's the right way or that it's okay, but it's just how the system is..


I think it's a tough situation with Jessie. On one hand, yes, Walt messed up a lot for Jessie. While some bad stuff happened because of Walt other stuff happened because of Jessie. You can say that Jessie only met Jane because of Walt, but she also died because of him. Because if he wouldn't have shaken Jessie she wouldn't have turned on her back which made her suffocate on her vomit. Getting beaten up by Tuco multiple times because Walt wanted to deal with him, Combo dying because Walt wanted to expend the territory, getting in trouble with Crazy8, having to melt a body, having to kill people etc etc etc. All of that stuff basically happenedd because of Walt, before Jessie was just a small time Cook doing his own thing and living a "decent" live for what it was, since he was kinda happy with it, otherwise he probably wouldn't have done it. And Walt kinda forced him to cook with him or otherwise he would turn him in. But on the otherhand... getting to cook with Walt was something that Jessie started to enjoy, because for him Cookin was Art and Walt was really good at it. So by cooking with him he improved his own cooking, and even at this point Jessie still likes to cook. Also getting bigger and making more money was something Jessie wasn't completely against it. Sure he said that they should keep it low and just make a bit of money instead of going big. But while Walt was manipulating him in going bigger he also wasn't against it, since it also means more money for him. So yeah... on one hand, sure Walt is the case a lot of bad stuff happened to Jessie but on the other hand he wasn't completely against it many times. But I would say that Walt being the cause for a lot of bad stuff is the bigger issue than Jessie being ok with it many times. Because Walt is good at maniuplating Jessie. We see it in this Episode, Jessie is all about rejecting Walt to get away from it... but Walt knows that by telling Jessie that his meth is good (because Jessie likes cooking so much) that Jessie will like to hear that. Because Jessie knows that Walt is top tier at chemistry and respects chemistry, so if Walt says that he is good then it must be true. So that one thing basically overshadowed everything else and stopped Jessie from pressing charges and all the negativity. Because they both like chemistry/cooking.

Mark M

Broken Rib isnt that bad, When it happens to you, you dont realize. Pain starts when you notice you're hurt. You clearly have to attend yourself but we can bear pain way more than we think. its just fear


He’s gonna die! He’s gonna live! He’s gonna die… He’s gonna live!!!! That’s when you know the show runners did an amazing job.


ik this is old but id say Hank having a history of bar fights he started and peeping in on the people in the RV would work against him atleast a little as hes clearly been acting out, tho cops get away with everything so that might not matter


incriminate was the word I think you were looking for