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camels ball sack REALLY hank lmao


Evoke 310

Oh nice. Completely forgot we got an episode today 🤙🏽


you guys should watch the mandalorian if you want to see more of gus.


The game you mentioned Gus is a part of is Farcry 6. :)

Steph Motion (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-11 04:49:37 Barack Obama?? Lmfaoo
2023-06-11 04:49:37 Barack Obama?? Lmfaoo
2023-06-11 00:07:28 Barack Obama?? Lmfaoo

Barack Obama?? Lmfaoo


Dopeee reaction. Skyler is all in now. Also, the name of the game where Gus is in is Far Cry 6. Also, Giancarlo Esposito is also in Mandolorean.

Devante Vickers

Gus/Stan was also in Cyberpunk Edge Runners

Roberto Rojas

That is the same kid btw


Haha you're talking about Far Cry 6, he plays the main villain Anton Castillo!


The next two episodes is where breaking bad starts approaching the greatest tv show of all time talks can’t wait


That is the same kid btw and next two episodes is where breaking bad becomes that show


next 2 episodes about to set a new standard in breaking bad

Michael Saylor

Far cry 6 is the game gus is in


The game you're talking about is Far Cry 6. One of the cast in Better Call Saul also plays the main villain in Far Cry 3.


I love how Jesse calling Jane's voicemail numerous times after her death is a simile for Georgia O'Keeffe painting the door 20 times. Then when Jesse is trying to sell Andrea on his meth he repeats what Jane told him about "making that feeling last" doing something more than one time and it's significance but Jesse twists it