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our hearts break for jesse :(



Brian Cranston in the flashback looked like he did in Malcolm in the Middle

Evoke 310

Oh damn it’s finally here. Felt like such a long break from last ep 🤣

ErendGoat (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 06:49:50 Now it is time boys… for the two greatest seasons in television. Seasons 4&5
2023-06-17 16:17:52 Now it is time boys… for the two greatest seasons in television. Seasons 4&5

Now it is time boys… for the two greatest seasons in television. Seasons 4&5

James Smith

some how , some way, it gets better! 🤣

Sean J

breaking bad is such a rollercoaster literally throughout the entireee show 😂 these next last seasons for yall the best shit ever


Its okay there is better call saul also for a rollercoaster...

Sean J

Literally 90% who has seen both shows will easily tell u BB is better than call saul. wat r we actually talkin about here lmfaoo


Oh god, Are you one of those people who try to think that "this show is better then that show" like seriously. Can you people stop with your shitty "my dad can beat up your dad" there both S TIER series.


Like the cringe you people are. Because "Better call saul isn't breaking bad so therefore it's not as good" like shut the fuck up.

Sean J

?? how would the MAIN show not be better than the DERIVATIVE 😂 u shouldn’t get offended cause i basically said the main coarse is better than the side dish. pretty cringe ngl


great reaction. I always laugh when ppl say "poor jesse"